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Immune System

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Carolyn Gretton

The supplement that kept prostate cancer from worsening

For older men, prostate cancer is a real concern. About 6 in 10 diagnoses are in men 65 or older. But research into food as medicine has revealed why one food can slow or prevent it from getting worse.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A strange connection: The immune system’s impact on blood sugar

Most of us only think of our immune systems when we’re worried about getting sick. But it’s tied to many processes in the body and may be a missing link in controlling blood sugar.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising kitchen appliance that’s a hotbed of bacteria

You might expect a damp sponge or counters to be teeming with bacteria. But researchers show there’s an appliance that needs our attention, even though it’s suprising how germs could flourish there…

Joyce Hollman

The berry that boosts metabolism, burns fat and fights flu

Since ancient times, elderberries have been used medicinally and have a reputation for fighting flu. But a regular dose of elderberry juice or tea just may be what your metabolism and blood sugar need to get in gear…

Carolyn Gretton

The one thing men lose with age that could shorten their lifespan

Have you ever wondered why women live several years longer than men do? Scientists have, and they’ve been exploring possible causes. And they’ve found a connection between shorter lifespan and loss of this uniquely male characteristic….

Carolyn Gretton

The little gland that’s key to a lifetime of good health

You probably know more about your thyroid and adrenals than an odd little gland nestled in the chest called the thymus. Considering research believes it could be key to a lifetime of good health, here’s a much-needed introduction to what it does and why it needs your attention…


Joyce Hollman

The sleep trigger that could prevent a 2nd heart attack

After a heart attack, it makes sense that you’d want to sleep more. But the need for sleep is more than the physical exhaustion of going through a traumatic health event. It’s a signal for healing that if not heeded could mean a 2nd heart attack…

Carolyn Gretton

What triggers cold sores to flareup?

The “cold sore” virus is extremely common. It’s believed to be present in more than half of all Americans. That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with when cold sores flareup. Gaining a better understanding of the virus may…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

These scientists say travel could help us defy aging

Based on the theory of entropy, which translates to the breakdown of cells and systems in humans — exactly what happens with aging — scientists have stumbled on a novel anti-aging intervention. Here’s how you can put it to work…

Margaret Cantwell

The golden ticket to a fall free of allergy symptoms

If nature can throw allergens at us, it’s not surprising the answer to taming them is found in nature as well. If anyone understands the concept of balance, it’s Mother Nature. Thanks to these natural allergy relievers, you could enjoy fall without walking around in an antihistamine fog…

Carolyn Gretton

Move over Lyme disease: a new tick illness is on the rise

Longer warmer seasons are making ticks a year-round menace rather than just a summertime scourge. That could be one reason why rates of a certain tick-borne illness known as “American malaria” are on the rise…

Joyce Hollman

4 common infections that spread cancer risks

Cancer isn’t as random as you might think. There are five types of cancer that are caused by four common viruses and bacteria. Knowledge is half the battle. Prevention can help you win it…