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Carolyn Gretton

How purple produce pushes back at blood sugar problems

The anthocyanins found in purple, blue and red plants pack a powerful punch against a host of inflammatory-related conditions and blood sugar issues. But researchers digging deeper into the impact of these powerful antioxidants have discovered an interesting quirk as to why they’re so effective at reducing diabetes risk…

Joyce Hollman

Why your hips hurt and the supplements that help

Healthy and pain-free hips are important to maintain mobility and independence with age. Osteoarthritis is only one condition that can compromise your hip function. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to support your hips so they can keep supporting you!

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The answer to gum disease found in fish oil

By the age of 65, the risk of periodontal disease, a gum infection that erodes soft tissue and bone, leading to tooth loss, is more than 70 percent. But a simple nutrient appears to get to the “root” cause, supporting stem cells in the gums that may hold onto your teeth…

Joyce Hollman

Is a wheat sensitivity causing your crushing fatigue?

If you live with daily, crushing fatigue that sleep doesn’t fix, you could have chronic fatigue syndrome. There’s a good chance the cause is food related. That’s because research has revealed a link between two hard-to-diagnose conditions, so you can begin to get to the bottom of things.

Jenny Smiechowski

AGEs: Why diabetes is bad for your bones

Diabetes comes with a long list of complications that affect many parts of the body including the brain, heart, eyes, feet and kidneys. But less known is the skyrocketing risk of bone fractures, especially hip fractures, that diabetics face. Here’s why and how to reduce your risk of a life-changing break…

Jenny Smiechowski

What almonds do to your cholesterol

Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones and vitamin D, help you digest your food — not to mention it’s like brain food. But once your body has enough cholesterol to do what it needs to do, the rest is just superfluous. This is where HDL comes in…


Joyce Hollman

The gut problem that hardens your arteries

It’s no secret that a high-fat high-cholesterol diet is bad for the heart. But understanding why it’s worse for some people is another story. Until you understand the gut is a window to the body capable of turning the thermostat up on atherosclerosis…

Carolyn Gretton

Why broccoli is a gut-saving disease-fighting superfood

Broccoli is a superfood for many reasons, including protecting against diabetes and age-related ailments. But that’s not all. While further exploring broccoli’s health impacts, researchers discovered another molecule that closes the door on a frequent gateway to disease…

Jenny Smiechowski

Triple nutrient cocktail could help stave off heart attack and stroke

Atherosclerosis is the primary cause of heart attack, but it also causes about half of all strokes. And there are often no symptoms until it’s too late.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

No longer a guilty pleasure: Massage heals muscles faster, stronger

People have been turning to massage for healing and relaxation for more than 3,000 years. Now we have proof how the mechansims behind massage really makes muscles heal not only faster but stronger, by engaging your immune system…

Carolyn Gretton

Help for hay fever from an unlikely place

Are you among the 1 in 5 that suffers from hay fever and the accompanying chorus of sneezing and nose-blowing? Sure, you could pop an antihistamine or inhale a nasal spray. Or you could look to an unlikely body part to tame your immune system’s overreaction…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Microcalcification: When minerals build up to disease

It’s hard to understand how a nutrient required for a healthy body can sometimes go awry. You may have read about what happens when calcium collects in arteries, the heart and kidneys, and even joints. But you may not have heard of the cancer connection…