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Liver Health

Latest Stories

Carolyn Gretton

A ‘persistent’ feeling linked to fatty liver disease

The number of people impacted by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has been growing for a while now. In addition to the usual list of risks, a persistent feeling could be a clue you’re next…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 health conditions that steal your testosterone

Studies show that testosterone levels in men have been declining for decades. If you’re a man between 45 and 65, odds are your T levels don’t measure up to your dad’s. But why? Well, as three specific health conditions rose, T levels tanked, and there’s a definite connection…

Margaret Cantwell

NAC: The liver’s ally for healthy aging

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid essential for antioxidant production. It’s also a powerful detoxifier. But with NAC, you also gain a powerful ally, capable of tackling multiple threats, including those that come with age…

Joyce Hollman

7 cancers that may lead to warning on alcohol labels

The United States Surgeon General has called for a cancer warning on alcohol labels, similar to what we’ve seen on cigarettes. The reason? These 7 cancers and how much or how little can increase their risks…

Joyce Hollman

A key vitamin for digesting fat and avoiding liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease affects about a quarter of Americans. There’s no treatment or cure, and if it progresses, things get a lot worse. The amino acid homocysteine plays a role in that progression, interfering with how the body process fat. But a simple vitamin may put it in its place…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How your poop schedule impacts your liver and kidneys

Once we’re out of elementary school, the poop jokes typically end. The childish humor is just that, plus the older we get we learn a fact: There’s nothing funny about not being able to go. And now we know our kidneys and liver can pay the price…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 heart health reasons to ditch sugar for maple syrup

Sugar has serious drawbacks, but do you have to go sugar-free to stay healthy? Not if you switch to this truly natural sweetener that not only satisfies your sweet tooth, but also reduces four significant risk factors for cardiometabolic disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 cancers associated with ‘too much’ alcohol

The question of whether or not alcohol provides health benefits seems to have sparked a never-ending debate. It may have started with the French Paradox, but could end with these six cancers…

Joyce Hollman

The exotic fruit that could prevent fatty liver

Fatty liver is fast becoming a growing problem for many Americans. If it progresses, it can turn into a world of hurt. That’s why scientists feverishly look for ways to halt it in its tracks. Adding this exotic fruit to your diet may be the easiest way yet…

Joyce Hollman

Microplastics have breached human brains: What are the implications?

Microplastics have been found in our blood, liver, kidneys, muscles, heart, artery plaque and blood clots. As if this weren’t scary enough, we’re now learning for the first time that they have also invaded our brains. What does it mean and what can we do?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The seed that takes out disease-causing cells

Traditional seeds are making a comeback as people turn to options like quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and black cumin to avoid gluten, but benefits don’t end there. One such seed used in a medicinal Chinese liquor has been found to kickstart a process that helps rid disease-causing cells associated with Alzheimer’s and alcoholic liver disease…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics: From your gut to your kidneys, liver and brain

The dangers that microplastics present is no longer speculation. They’re in artery-clogging plaques and may cross the blood-brain barrier. Now it appears the gut may be an open door to how they wreak even more havoc on the human body…