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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why sex can delay menopause

Having sex regularly comes with a long list of benefits that don’t stop with the enjoyment you experience with your loved one. In fact, sex can help lower your risk of heart attack and boost your immune system. But women may find this the best benefit of all…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 ways to keep menopause from stealing your sex life

Wildly fluctuating hormones go hand-in-hand with everything from mood swings and hot flashes to night sweats, sleep problems and weight gain. To top it off, most women face a less-than-satisfying sex life thanks to the added bonus of sexual problems. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Hormone therapy and breast cancer link worse than thought

When you go for your yearly checkup, one of the boxes you’ll have to check on their forms is about whether you’re taking hormone therapy drugs. While it does come with some benefits, it’s been discovered that the risk it carries has been dramatically underrepresented…

Jenny Smiechowski

Traditional Chinese Medicine could help you keep cool during menopause

Menopause symptoms can be miserable. Some women turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But a lot of women don’t feel comfortable with the potential side effects, including a higher breast cancer risk. So, what else can you do? Check out herbs that work just as well…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The hidden heart danger of early menopause

Many of us still believe that heart disease is far more of a danger to men than women. And, when we think about our hormones and the dangers of menopause, we tend to zero in on breast cancer. However, the truth is that heart disease is a bigger threat, and menopause a big contributor…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The menopause-muscle connection you need to work on now

New research has finally determined how menopause leads to muscle atrophy. It’s been one of the least understood menopausal symptoms within the medical community. But nothing makes aging more difficult than frailty, and without muscle, that’s where a lot of women end up following menopause…


Jenny Smiechowski

The hidden heart danger that starts way before menopause

Women have a much steeper heart disease risk once menopause strikes. But your estrogen levels start dipping long before you enter full-blown menopause which means your heart attack risk skyrockets a lot sooner than you realized.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cardio risks rise when menopause steals muscle and replaces it with fat

Despite the fact that women everywhere have been saying for decades that menopause makes them gain weight, no link had been proven between the hormonal changes of menopause and changes in body composition… until now. But extra weight is the least of the reasons it should concern you…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Progesterone benefits and management

In my previous article I explained some important details of estrogen dosing and monitoring. Let’s look now at how naturally-derived progesterone is safe and effective for short and long term, and how it is dosed and monitored.

Jenny Smiechowski

6 menopause symptoms you can treat with acupuncture

There’s evidence HRT increases your risk for breast cancer, blood clots and stroke. It’s hard to justify those risks. So, many women tough menopause out. You don’t have to. There’s another way to relieve symptoms that’s not so high-stakes. In fact, researchers believe this may be the best option…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Estrogen replacement methods and management

You may have recently made the decision to give hormone therapy a try, specifically to replace estrogen lost to menopause. There are several ways to replace low estrogen. And several others factors that can affect how well it works for you.

Dr. Michael Cutler

How to get your estrogen back with benefits

If you’re a women wondering if you should be using hormone replacement therapy, you might like to know there is increasing evidence regarding overwhelming health benefits, supported by research. But benefits and risks vary depending on how you’re getting your hormones…