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Oral Health

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Carolyn Gretton

Why your mouth is the gateway to health or disease in your body

We know it’s important to keep our teeth and gums clean, but we often don’t consider how much good oral hygiene is connected with our whole-body health. More and more research is showing just how much our oral health can influence our overall health — and vice versa…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Missing link between gum health and heart disease found

Brushing and flossing your teeth is about far more than just avoiding cavities. In fact, the health of your mouth is tied to serious conditions from diabetes to heart disease. But until now, the reason wasn’t clear. Now researchers know it’s tied to a particularly powerful immune cell that, when hyperactivated, can circulate through your body to do major damage…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The damage soda does to your teeth in a little as 10 minutes

The next time you get the urge to crack open your favorite soda, think again. These drinks can irreparably damage your teeth, and it’s not just the sugar. With every sip they’re interfering with an important protective mechanism in your mouth….

Joyce Hollman

Vaping leads to a mouthful of disease-causing bacteria

Most people believe e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to the real thing and are a good way to quit. But e-cigarettes have their own dangers, including the risk of cancer, heart and lung disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. It comes down to a mouthful of bacteria that turns bad in a surprisingly short amount of time…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fight Alzheimer’s with your toothbrush

Alzheimer’s is one of the scariest diseases on the planet. It doesn’t just steal your life, it steals who you are and the lifetime of memories you’ve accumulated. Scientists have proven that one of the easiest ways to postpone or even prevent Alzheimer’s could be found in your bathroom.

Joyce Hollman

The common factor that makes gum disease as dangerous as diabetes, obesity and heart disease

Inflammaging means that, as we age, our bodies become progressively more inflamed. The immune system army has been fighting disease for years, and it’s left some ‘destruction’ behind in its wake. So it’s time to get serious about the common factor behind this unifying theory of disease…


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The 4 best supplements for oral health

Regular brushing, flossing and visits to your dentist are essential for maintaining oral health. But equally important is your diet. These self-care measures can make a significant difference in promoting dental health, reducing cavities and, most importantly, supporting your overall health.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The number of teeth in your mouth may be measure of disease in your heart

You’ve probably heard the warnings before: take care of your oral health or you could end up with heart problems. New research shows the harm to your heart may actually be measured by the number of teeth you have. Even if you only lose a few, your odds for heart trouble increase…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How skipping out on regular dental visits leads to cancer

You know that you’re supposed to see the dentist at least once a year. But, are you following through? This might inspire you to set up that appointment you’ve been putting off: Dentists are detecting more cases of oral cancer and pre-cancer than ever before and it’s saving lives…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Brain-saving habit for your Alzheimer’s prevention strategy

It’s 2019 and there is still no cure for Alzheimer’s. Despite all the research, science doesn’t seem to be any closer to a cure. At least not one that can turn back the damage the disease does to one’s brain… Does that mean you’re doomed to end up with this dreaded disease? Not if you follow a few strategies…

Joyce Hollman

What you should know before you switch out those old mercury fillings

Mercury amalgam fillings have been used for more than 150 years. They’re affordable and durable. But now that we know how hazardous they are, many folks are considering having those old fillings replaced. Finding the right replacement isn’t so easy, though. If you’re considering it, here’s what you should know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The bacteria in your mouth could be ruining your brain

The trouble all starts with a bacterium known as Porphyromonas gingivalis. When its numbers grow too large, your body’s immune system reacts, leading to inflammation, swelling, bleeding, and erosion of your gum tissue. Then, it can even travel from your mouth to your bloodstream, and to your brain….