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Joyce Hollman

The price your brain pays for not taking vitamins

If you knew you could slow the cognitive decline of your brain by two whole years (participants did in just 3 years!) just by developing one simple habit, don’t you think it’s worth your while?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The seed that takes down bad cholesterol and raises good

None of us want to add one more medication to a list that may already be long. So when a natural remedy, especially one with history, has the clout to improve cholesterol, that’s just too good to keep quiet about.

Joyce Hollman

The nutrient your lungs need during flu season

Every day we get reports about how to improve brain and heart health. But if you can’t breathe, it’s all for naught. With one of the biggest threats to your lungs around the corner, here’s the one supplement to boost healthy lung function…

Carolyn Gretton

Resveratrol: Longevity antioxidant to fertility booster

There are a lot of myths out there about what it takes to improve a woman’s odds of conception. But one thing that may actually help is a powerful antioxidant that’s been the subject of research for decades…

Jenny Smiechowski

Not a veggie fan? Eat just this ONE for clearer arteries

Most people with atherosclerosis don’t know they have it until artery-clogging problems show up, like stroke or heart attack. So, what can you do to steer clear? Eat the one vegetable that reduces vascular calcification.

Joyce Hollman

Soda, sugar and the other reason it leads to diabetes

Soda has tons of sugar, so it makes sense it might lead to diabetes. But it’s more complex than that. For the first time, a study has “connected the dots,” showing how soda alters the gut to sabotage our metabolism.


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Depression can bring on physical illness 30% faster

Depression is considered a mental condition. But a new look at how it affects us in middle and old age has revealed it should be viewed as a “whole body” condition that multiplies and accelerates the development of physical illness.

Carolyn Gretton

An extra glass to keep colorectal cancer at bay

Milk, a source of calcium, is said to do a body good. But calcium, which promotes good bones, muscle function, heart health and more, may also be a big help in lowering the risk for a particular cancer on the rise…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘bone density’ berry that beats back bone loss

Bone loss can cause fractures that can be life-altering. But researchers found supplementing a powdered form of a certain tart berry can reduce post-menopausal bone loss and prevent osteoporosis…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 steps to avoid recurrent urinary tract infections

UTIs have become increasingly difficult to treat since the bacteria that keeps them coming back is resistant to most antibiotics. Instead of fighting infection after infection, three supplements could help you avoid them altogether…

Carolyn Gretton

How your parents may have increased your stroke risk by 60%

Let’s start with what’s shocking about the fact that there’s a 50% chance your parents inceased your risk of stroke as an adult by 61%: It’s not hereditary. It’s not something they passed from their genes, but it’s just as unintentional…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Eat this food to see why you can’t go #2

Gut problems are often revealed by your transit time — the time it takes for food to pass through. Depending on yours, you may be straining on or running to the toilet. This at home test will help you figure out why…