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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Does pain relief exist without risk of addiction, overdose or death?

Approximately 20 percent of US adults live with chronic pain. That’s over 49 million Americans. You’d think with so many people suffering, the medical community would have a good way to reliably treat it. Nothing is further from the truth. That doesn’t mean you’re powerless, though…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 proven ways yoga improves rheumatoid arthritis at the molecular level

If you’re a victim of RA, you know it can leave you exhausted, depressed and in severe pain, with joint swelling and stiffness. Even worse, when you go to your doctor for help, the likelihood of finding safe relief without miserable side effects is almost non-existent. That may be changing…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The most effective relief for your TMJ pain

A new study by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry has finally compared the different options available to patients suffering from jaw pain, giving us insight into what the most effective options for pain relief really are…

Jenny Smiechowski

The common drug combo that causes brain and stomach bleeding

More than 30 million people take NSAID pain relievers daily. The problem is, a lot of these same people also take a popular antidepressnt. If you’re one of them, you should know about the increased risk for brain and gastrointestinal bleeding this combination can cause….

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to avoid neck pain from computer use

Poor posture may seem harmless but the truth is that it compresses your neck and not only cause headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, and problems concentrating, but over time it can actually damage the vertebrae in your neck. And it’s happening at your computer…

Jenny Smiechowski

The supplement that keeps your muscles from wasting away even when you can’t use them

It happens to all of us at some point… we throw out our backs. Or need surgery. Or break a leg. Or come down with a virus. And we’re couch-bound for weeks or months. In that time, your muscle mass can deteriorate fast, unless you’re getting plenty of this essential fatty acid…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Turn your pain into a distant memory and forget about it

A big part of the reason something hurts is because your body remembers how it felt to hurt in the first place. But not only that, the memory of the pain can cause anxiety and even worse pain when you feel it again. Here’s why and what you can do about it…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why back pain takes a bite out of your lifespan

There are a lot of ways to gauge how long you’re going to live… You can look at your family tree. You can take your lifestyle into account. If you’re eating well and exercising, the odds of a long life are in your favor. But what about the condition of your back?

Joyce Hollman

The sweet fruit that sours fibromyalgia symptoms

Fibromyalgia means pain, extreme fatigue, memory problems, depression and digestive problems. Treating fibromyalgia has proven challenging. But there may be an unusual way to ease the condition: a tropical fruit with a “sour” name that doesn’t match its flavor.

Joyce Hollman

6 things that can go wrong with your spine and how to avoid them

The spine houses a bundle of nerves that allows the brain to keep us moving, functioning and healthy. When a connection is severed, it’s like shutting off the switch to a vital function. It doesn’t take a serious injury to have problems. Watch for these…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Corydalis for natural pain relief

Corydalis yanhusuo, a Chinese herb, has well documented effects on various types of pain — acute, inflammatory, neuropathic, and even bone cancer pain. All without causing tolerance. If this sounds too good to be true, how about a testimonial?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What really works for tennis elbow pain

In over 10 years in chiropractic practice, one of the most common complaints from patients was tennis elbow. Some doctors have tried everything from medications, to botox injections, to ultrasounds. Turns out what I was recommending has been proven to work best.