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Jedha Dening

4 pain-relieving herbs to have at every meal

For decades, mainstream medicine has had little to offer pain sufferers other than dangerous and addictive drugs. But there may be light at the end of this tunnel…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Natural ways to stop painful muscle spasms or cramps

Muscle spasms are uncomfortable and when they linger, they are termed muscle cramps. Although they are more common than they should be, the good news is that most muscle spasms and muscle cramps can be relieved naturally…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Doctors admit what’s really best for low back pain relief

Low back pain is one of the leading causes for doctor visits, but mainstream medicine has finally admitted they’ve been treating it incorrectly. That’s because drug therapy, their first-line treatment option, has done nothing to help. Finally, they’re admitting which alternative therapies work…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fast, easy foot pain cures

There isn’t much worse than foot pain that just won’t go away. They ache when you walk on them. They throb while you rest. They give off sharp, searing pain that leaves you begging for relief. When you take a look at your feet, it’s easy to see why they can experience so many problems.

Dr. Brad Cutler

18 prescription-free ways to get pain-free

Pain… we are all familiar with it. Most people turn to prescription medications. But turning to opioids for pain relief can often do more harm to your health and there’s the big risk of addiction. Why risk it when there’s this long list of foods, spices and supplements shown to help ease pain?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The fatty secret to pain-free joints

Are painful, swollen knees or tight, stiff shoulders keeping you from enjoying the things you love to do? If you want pain-free joints but don’t want to risk your life, there is a safe, natural answer discovered by a scientist at the National Institute of Health…


Debra Atkinson

Prevent back pain with a strong core

The core muscles are the ones that can take some of that pressure off of your back, and help you avoid the back pain and even debilitating injury that can impact your day to day activities. But if your back hurts is it too late? Absolutely not…

Jenny Smiechowski

Replace pain pills with this ancient Chinese herb

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the most effective painkiller is the opium plant, the same plant that inspired modern painkillers. But there are a few problems with opiates… they’re extremely sedating and highly addictive. That’s why it’s time to look to TCM’s second most effective painkiller.

Dr. Geo Espinosa

What you should know about penis pain

It’s a subject that most men don’t talk about or even think about until it happens: penis pain. Penile pain is a delicate subject, pun intended; but the presence of pain can be serious and should not be ignored…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Ancient method shown effective for arthritic knee pain

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful syndrome, especially when it affects the knees as these help hold and move the load of the body, affecting movement and mobility. The CDC offer up two harrowing statistics…

Debra Atkinson

Keep arthritis pain from ruining your workout

If you’re trying to keep a regular fitness routine that includes strength training with weights (to boost metabolism/build muscle), your arthritis pain could hamper your best efforts. This can help…


Listening to music really can reduce pain

A recent analysis has found that surgery patients who listen to music may experience lower levels of pain, anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate than people who do not listen to music.