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Beverly Burmeier

The not-so-gingerly spice that attacks cancer-causing inflammation

Maybe you’ve used ginger to relieve symptoms of motion sickness in a tummy-soothing tea. Well, you’re taking good medicine according to research… Ginger is a great choice to diminish the pain of inflammatory bowel disease, but better yet, scientists have shown its benefits extend to reducing the risk of cancers associated with colitis.

Dr. Brad Cutler

Eat this, not that, to live pain-free

Pain. You feel it in your joints, muscles, tendons… and you’re starting to notice it more and more… after prolonged sitting and even when you step out of bed first thing in the morning.

Jenny Smiechowski

Super spice duo conquers cancer and pain

A growing body of research suggests that adding a little spice to your daily diet not only lowers pain, but may help you live longer by also lowering cholesterol, inflammation — and your cancer risk.

Jenny Smiechowski

4 types of chronic pain you can relieve naturally

Millions of Americans take prescription painkillers to manage chronic pain, but these painkillers do more harm than good. You build up a tolerance to them quickly and may even become addicted.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Roll away back and shoulder pain

A tight back and shoulders prevents ease of movement and restricts range of motion. Painful trigger points develop from sitting and typing all day or from overuse, causing more pain and restricted movement. Foam rolling is a great way to release those trigger points.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why, what and how to get rid of painful gout

Picture this… you’re sleeping soundly in your bed when you’re jolted awake by a burning pain in your big toe joint. It’s swollen, red and tender. You didn’t injure it. So what the heck’s going on? Well, it’s gout, an uncomfortable form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in your body. Let’s talk about relieving that pain and saving your joints from permanent damage…


Craig Cooper

Pain-relieving foods your joints will love

I’m not saying that eating certain foods will completely eliminate your joint pain. However, if you choose foods that can reduce pain and discomfort in your joints and avoid those that promote inflammation, you could go a long way toward improving your quality of life and your ability to participate in the activities you enjoy the most.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Put your back pain behind you

Back pain is America’s third leading cause to visit the doctor, behind joint pains and skin disorders. Not only is back pain super common, but it affects young and old alike…

Dr. Brad Cutler

5 safe moves to prevent back pain

Back pain is quite common these days and pain pills are not the answer. These moves can strengthen your core muscles, keep your back strong and safe, and prevent back pain when performed regularly.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Best medicine for fibromyalgia pain is…

The age old advice for wellness is “diet and exercise” and it still holds strong to this day. With diet and exercise you can keep the muscles toned, the cardiovascular system in shape, maintain a healthy weight, and feel great.

Easy Health Options Staff

For a bad back, nerve pain and sore muscles, try this

Imagine your “check oil” light comes on. You’re your short on time, so you cover it with a piece of tape. Now you can’t see the light. But does that really fix anything? This is how mainstream medicine wants you to think about your body…

Jenny Smiechowski

The simple vitamin cocktail cure for migraines

A migraine is not your run-of-the mill headache. And if you’re one of the millions of Americans who’s had one, you know there are no words to describe the excruciating pain. But now, there may be help…