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Dr. Mark Wiley

6 yoga poses for a strong back and supple spine

One of the biggest complaints health care providers hear often is back pain, especially low back pain. Yoga is one of the ancient practices that by design is supportive of a supple spine, strong back, mobile joints and a flexible body. And guess what? You don’t have to be an expert Yogi to get pain relief with these simple poses…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Exercise to boost energy and brain health — and banish pain

Chronic pain conditions take their toll in many ways. Not only is there discomfort and often suffering from the pain levels, but a shift away from joy and happiness to depression and loss of will. The key is to stop this cycle and make a change.

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 ways to stop your pain in the neck — and back

Looking down at your keyboard, cell phone, ipad and the like causes poor posture and can set you up for some real pain. These three exercises will help you relieve the strain and the pain.

Jenny Smiechowski

Prescription pain pills perpetuate pain

Opioid painkillers increase risk for addiction. But did you know that opioid painkillers can increase the duration of your pain by several months? You can experience more pain than if you never took them in the first place.

Dr. Mark Wiley

How to stop the pain and start living

The best approach is to uncover the reason for the pain, the trigger for the pain, the mechanism for the pain. In other words, “treat the root cause, not the symptom.” Because pain is a symptom that something is wrong.

Jenny Smiechowski

A light at the end of the tunnel for migraine sufferers

Besides the excruciating pain, one of the most debilitating symptoms of migraine headaches is an extreme sensitivity to light, known as photophobia. But Harvard research may have found the light at the end of the tunnel…


Dr. Mark Wiley

Dance your pain away — this way

Looks like proof positive that taking advantage of fun social activities can boost your physical health, reduce pain and help you achieve greater wellness. So put on your dancing shoes and…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Cutting-edge therapy stimulates tissue growth to ease joint pain

Do you suffer from recurring back pain, joint pain, or other joint injuries that just don’t seem to heal? Then this simple intervention could give you a world of relief.

Dr. Michael Cutler

When the pain won’t stop

No one should suffer needlessly. And in the short-term, modern medicine has provided effective pain treatments in the form of strong narcotic pain relievers. But when it comes to chronic pain, the conventional approach isn’t working — so look to…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Three super spices that knock out pain

Food, herbs and spices have been used for thousands of years for their powerful health-building and curative effects by Traditional cultures the world over. Science has helped confirm that adding spices into your daily eating habits can go a long way toward natural healing, even effective pain relief without the side effects..

Jenny Smiechowski

Give up your sit-ups before you mess up your back

Sit-ups have been the old standby of abdominal strength exercises for years, but the jury is still out on whether all those crunches are really giving you the body of your dreams. However, the classic exercise could set you up for serious injury…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Quickest way to relieve pain you’ve never heard of

Physicians see the chemistry and biology of pain responses — and utilize drugs and other methods to turn off pain switches or dampen responses to it. That provides temporary relief but won’t get you out of your cycle of chronic pain…