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Jenny Smiechowski

Pain pills don’t stand up to pain-blocking remedies

When chronic lower back pain is preventing you from living your life, it’s tempting to rely on heavy-duty painkillers and steroid injections just to get some relief. But what if there was a safer, side-effect free way to get your life back?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Detox For Less Pain

Did you know that your chronic pain can be linked to the toxins you swallow, inhale and absorb in your everyday life? Discover a detox recipe that helps your body cleanse and shrug off pain that you probably considered inescapable.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Text neck: The modern syndrome that’s a real pain in the neck

People walking down the street, sitting in their cars, even across tables from each other… staring at their phones, reading and texting, and their heads are almost parallel ground. This chronic forward head position creates a real pain in the neck.

Dr. Mark Wiley

How to be an injury-free weekend warrior

Weekend warriors need to find time during the week to elevate their heart rate, work their cardio and move their muscles. This can help keep the body primed for more vigorous physical activity on the weekend — and help avoid injury.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Easy trick to relieve carpal tunnel, hand and wrist pain

Carpal tunnel pain and hand problems can be crippling, radiating pain through your wrist and fingers. But you don’t have to suffer passively. Here’s how to simply press on the right acupressure points on your hand and arm to find relief.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Doctor’s 3-step plan for sustained pain relief

Like so many Americans, I have suffered bouts of low back pain (LBP) throughout my life. Doctors are not immune, unfortunately. I am a vocal advocate for the use of manual therapies to reduce pain, with the hope of being able to avoid altogether analgesic and anti-inflammatory pain relievers.


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

5 ways to beat the pain without drugs

There are times when a drug is the best way to treat pain. But these aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions, and there are many alternatives. The problem with drug therapy is that it does not address any of the root causes, such as inflammation, that might be causing your pain.

Dr. Michael Cutler

12 times you should pay attention to stomach pain

Pain unnerves us. It hurts. And we want to know why. Some types of pain frighten us, like chest pain. Other types are more common and we tend to put off looking into their causes, at least until we are very uncomfortable. Abdominal pain often falls into that latter category.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Six most common causes of chest pain

It’s easy to get scared when you experience chest pain, but it can be caused by any number of issues — ranging from life-threatening to minor — not always originating with your heart. How can you know?

Cara McCarthy

Getting high could make your migraine go away faster

Marijuana has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, and triggers the release of serotonin and dopamine — neurotransmitters that cause feelings of happiness. These characteristics make it an ideal way to combat migraine headaches.

Sam Rolley

Before you take Tylenol, read this

Acetaminophen-containing painkillers like Tylenol are really tough on your liver. If you feel you have no choice, here’s something that could save your life — or at least your liver…

Sam Rolley

23 studies prove home remedy relieves back pain best

Back pain can stop you in your tracks. But new research shows that there’s something you can begin doing now to ward off this debilitating health nuisance — and it works better than what your doctor might prescribe.