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Thyroid Health

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Joyce Hollman

The worrisome link between thyroid eye disease and sleep apnea

Snoring. Waking up multiple times a night gasping for air. Feeling tired and irritable throughout day. All of these are signs you could have sleep apnea, a condition that affects more than 29 million Americans and carries very serious health risks. But if you have thyroid eye disease, sleep apnea may even steal your sight… […]

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Is selenium the answer to Graves’ eye disease?

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes your thyroid gland to become overactive. Unfortunately, in some cases, it can lead to vision problems. Fortunately, it’s not too common, only affecting a small segment of the population. But if you were in that group, wouldn’t you like to know how a trace mineral might help? […]

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you should know about non-stick pans and their ‘best by’ date

The debate about whether non-stick pans are safe or not has been ongoing for two decades now. While manufacturers will tell us they pose no health risks, researchers have sounded warnings about serious toxins directly linked to disease. Here are several factors that could influence how much of those toxins are leaching from your pans to your food.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One more reason to read product labels: Hormone interference

Endocrine disruptors are everywhere. In the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on and the products we slather on our skin. They lurk, waiting to tip our hormones from a healthy balance and cause disease. Luckily, a brand-new study found a simple way to lower the levels of these disruptors in your body. ..

Jenny Smiechowski

Why a thyroid problem could be fueling your anxiety

A lot of anxiety sufferers find ways to improve their symptoms, but they never quite slay their inner anxiety demon completely. If you can relate to this struggle, you need to know that the root of all those sleepless nights, panic attacks and anxious sweats may be your thyroid.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 health warning signs men should never ignore

Men have a reputation for avoiding check-ups. and even putting off sick visits for as long as possible. That’s why we’ve put together five warning signs something’s wrong with your health that you should never ignore, just for you guys…


Joyce Hollman

Why standard thyroid tests miss the mark

The symptoms of low thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, can mimic symptoms of many other conditions. But given the right testing, a case of hypothyroidism is hard to miss. The problem is that the “standard” test for thyroid malfunction can actually hide the problem. Here’s what you should know if you suspect hypothyroidism is behind your symptoms.

Jenny Smiechowski

Shocking: How rocket-fuel-tainted tap water wrecks your thyroid

There’s a good reason health-conscious folks refuse to drink from the tap. Tap water is full of contaminants that pose a threat to your health. In fact, millions of people’s tap water is tainted with perchlorate, a chemical from rocket fuel that keeps your thyroid from getting the iodine it needs to stay healthy…

Joyce Hollman

9 secret signs of thyroid trouble

When your thyroid is functioning properly, your health blossoms. When it isn’t, the effects on your health can be more widespread than you’d ever imagine. Here is a list of 9 lesser-known signs of thyroid trouble you need to be aware of.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 warning signs of a thyroid problem

That butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your throat, known as the thyroid, may be small, but it packs quite a punch when it comes to your health. According to the American Thyroid Association, up to 60 percent of Americans with thyroid issues don’t know it’s causing their problems. Watch for these common signs…

Dr. Michael Cutler

20+ medications that affect your thyroid

Thyroid hormone balancing is confusing for mainstream doctors including endocrinologists (but they may not admit it). That’s because they use only lab tests. The problem with that is there are many medications that affect your thyroid hormone and confound the interpretation of standard thyroid tests…

Jenny Smiechowski

The popular thyroid treatment that increases cancer risk

Many years ago, I started having mysterious symptoms no doctor could pin down — fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and just a general “off” feeling. It’s been a long journey trying to get a diagnosis since then, but I remember the first diagnosis I almost received — hyperthyroidism…