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Women’s Health

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Joyce Hollman

What’s in your mug could lower your risk for hip fracture

A hip fracture, especially over 60, can be a nightmare. The long period of immobility that follows can bring on dangerous health complications. Calcium and vitamin D are important, but you may be shocked to know how much your coffee or tea habit may help…

Carolyn Gretton

Why bladder problems increase with age for some women

In the United States, roughly 17 percent of women ages 20 and older suffer from urinary incontinence. While that doesn’t seem like a lot, the number skyrockets as women age. And so does overactive bladder. But why are these conditions worse for some, and where’s the relief?

Carolyn Gretton

How phthalates can trigger abnormal growths in women

A growing body of research is showing how dangerous phthalates are to our health. But one hazard in particular that women need to be aware of when it comes to these widespread pollutants strikes at a very personal level…

Joyce Hollman

The two consistent warnings women get before heart attack

Many people still think that a heart attack strikes suddenly, or with very little warning. A Harvard Health survey tells us that, for women, the warning signs can come as much as a month in advance. And they’re anything but the classic signs most people look for…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why low thyroid is so often misdiagnosed as depression or menopause

From heart trouble to sleep apnea and Parkinson’s, doctors all too often fail to see the signs or flat-out misdiagnose women’s health. And they’re still doing it when it comes to thyroid problems, telling women the symptoms are in their heads or just one more problem of menopause. Here’s why…

Joyce Hollman

‘Menopause diet’ significantly reduces hot flashes and weight

The ‘M’ in menopause stands for miserable. Hot flashes at the most inopportune times during the day and relentless sleep robbers at night. If HRT isn’t for you, discover the diet that works as well and helped women drop an average of eight pounds…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women’s biggest benefit from intermittent fasting: Lower cancer risk

For women, just getting older increases the risk of breast cancer. Being overweight takes it up a few notches. Those odds double down after 50 if you carry extra weight and the change steals your sleep. How can you upset the odds? Change when you eat…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pill that increases blood clot risk 24x in obese women

For women, hormones can wreak havoc on the arteries, leading to dangerous, even life-threatening issues. And while some of these hormonal issues occur naturally, like during menopause, others not so much: like carrying extra weight and taking the wrong pills…

Carolyn Gretton

Poor gut health and the risk of aggressive breast cancer

Investigators have discovered interesting connections between breast cancer and the health of the body’s different microbiomes. In fact, the gut may be just as influential as the breast microbiome when it comes to the risk of aggressive breast cancer…

Margaret Cantwell

One pill per day helps women live longer

I think it’s safe to say there are three compelling reasons you’re interested in natural health… number one, you want to live longer. Number two, you want to live disease-free. And number three, you want to age well…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

This thyroid condition could raise dementia risk 80 percent

Your thyroid regulates many functions, including metabolism. That requires a steady flow of thyroid hormones circulating in your bloodstream. Too much, too little and you have problems, like weight gain and fatigue. But it looks like your thyroid has a broader impact than we ever thought…

Miguel Leyva

Why do women experience Parkinson’s differently than men?

Women may be less likely to get a Parkinson’s diagnosis than men, but over 400,000 women live with the condition. But are their numbers lower due to the fact it affects the genders differently or a mistaken perception that’s endangering women?