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Men’s Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What the number of pushups a man can do reveals about his health

Who wouldn’t like to have a crystal ball that could predict your health over the next decade? That way, you’d know exactly what areas need improving. Researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health may have found the next best thing — pushups.

Joyce Hollman

How exercise works like a roadblock to prostate cancer progression

Prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer in American men. Previous research has shown an exercise program could release chemicals that control the growth of prostate cancer. Now the news is even better…

Carolyn Gretton

An important step forward in gauging men’s prostate cancer risk

The old standby, PSA testing, isn’t 100 percent accurate, leading to unnecessary biopsy and treatment and loads of anxiety. But when it was scaled back, metastatic prostate cancer cases rose. The key is identifying men by risk level—and a new tool may be the answer to saving lives…

Joyce Hollman

What men who want to avoid colon cancer eat

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer and men tend to have a higher risk than women. Caught early, it’s treatable. That’s what brought a group of scientists to re-examine the power of diet to prevent colon cancer specifically in men.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

A three-way attack on erectile dysfunction

Remember that super sexy foodie scene from the steamiest movie to come out of the late 80s — 9 1/2 Weeks? In “that” scene, the two romantic leads share some sensuous snacks, including grapes and strawberries, while sitting in front of an opened refrigerator. But do you know what was missing?

Craig Cooper

10 ways to lower your PSA levels

An elevated PSA can be an early indication of prostatitis, an enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer. However, an elevated PSA can also be associated with situations that don’t directly involve the prostate…


Carolyn Gretton

The ‘other’ male hormone that predicts longevity

Every day new things about the human body are discovered that may extend our healthspan — the number of healthy years we live. For men, a new discovery may unravel the puzzle as to why some men are more prone to developing age-related illnesses than others…

Craig Cooper

Osteoporosis: Not just a woman’s disease

Even though men in their 50s don’t have the same rapid bone loss women do, that changes around 65. Then, men lose bone mass at the same rate, and recovery from fracture is riskier for men. Most surprising? The risk of an osteoporotic fracture in men is higher than the risk of prostate cancer.

Craig Cooper

Beta-sitosterol: Natural support for the prostate, heart and more

Plant sterols are natural substances produced by plants. Beta-Sitosterol is one type that’s well known for supporting prostate health. But the list doesn’t stop there. Here’s how to use this popular plant substance for your best male health and more…

Dr. Geo Espinosa

Stinging nettle root for enlarged prostate

Prostatitis and an enlarged prostate can greatly affect a man’s quality of life. Luckily, there’s an herb that has long been used to relieve urinary tract and prostate problems. The name may sound harsh, but stinging nettle for prostate health has many benefits…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The diet that increases testosterone deficiency up to 60%

Experts estimate that between 20 and 50 percent of men in the U.S. are living with low testosterone. That means decreased libido and energy and increased disease risk. But what if your diet was the thing zapping your testosterone? Would you do something about it?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Foods that raise men’s colorectal cancer risk

It’s a no-brainer that eating anything that barely resembles real food and bears a list of unpronounceable ingredients could be remotely healthy. That’s why these foods contribute to dementia, weight gain and colon cancer. But why is the cancer risk so much higher for men?