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Bladder Health

Latest Stories

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to laugh, cough, sneeze and run without bladder leaks

I used to dread coughing or sneezing because it made my bladder leak. That’s when I decided I had to do something. But, what? The medications rob your brain of acetylcholine, needed by neurons to communicate. No worries, you don’t have to choose between a happy bladder and functioning brain…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Don’t sacrifice your brain for your bladder

Overactive bladder can be stressful. But one of the most common prescription medications for overactive bladder comes with some serious side effects that are much worse than all the urinary urgency, frequency, stress or incontinence in the world…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 reasons you pee more at night and how to stop

There are a number of things that can cause you to have to “go” more at night and it’s not just about how much you have to drink. So why is your bladder waking you up and what can you do about it?

Jedha Dening

Nature’s answer to overactive bladder

We’ve all experienced it… the mad dash to the house and race to the restroom after a long car ride or that sudden feeling during the middle of the night that jolts you out of bed. An overactive bladder can certainly keep you on your toes… and on the toilet frequently.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Is it a UTI or something else?

Few things are as uncomfortable and unnerving as painful urination or urinary frequency, also called dysuria. And more than one condition can be the reason for the pain. But most often the blame can be placed on one of three conditions…