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Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why this ‘male medication’ could make Alzheimer’s less likely

Since the little blue pill’s debut, it’s been full of surprises, especially considering its special bedroom effects were not why it was originally developed. Now it’s getting some attention for what it can do above the belt, and how it could make Alzheimer’s less likely…

Joyce Hollman

The ancient herb that could reverse brain stroke damage

For thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has praised one herb for supporting circulation and brain health. Now research is stacking up that this ancient herb could be the difference between losing or keeping cognitive abilities after a stroke.

Joyce Hollman

The bedtime activity for better blood flow and heart health

It’s a big job for the heart to keep your circulatory system working. And as we get older it can get harder to support the healthy blood flow every inch of our body needs. But there’s a way to pump that up so to speak, even when you hit the sheets…

Joyce Hollman

When leg cramps may be a serious warning sign

It’s human nature to dismiss aches and pains especially those more commonplace with age. But if you experience leg cramps that get better when you rest, or burning and aching feet, you may have a serious condition that leads to clots.

Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways to make your varicose veins and blood clot risk vanish

Whether varicose veins put a kink in your style or not, you should know they’re not as benign as we’ve been lead to believe. They could increase your risk for deep vein thrombosis. Here are 6 ways to reduce the threat…

Joyce Hollman

4 symptoms of a blood clot you should never ignore

Clotting of the blood is a normal bodily function. When things go as planned, blood clots any time there is an injury to a blood vessel. Sometimes, though, the process goes off the rails and dangerous complications can occur. Here’s how to know the signs, and how to minimize your chances of a deadly blood clot…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

The superfood enzyme that ‘dissolves’ sinus pain and pressure

Superfoods get their reputation because they’re nutrient dense and do for your body what it normally takes a variety of other foods (in copious amounts) to do. Or because they contain that “one amazing” ingredient, like the natural answer for your sinus problems…

Carolyn Gretton

The dark side of daily aspirin use

Millions of Americans are taking aspirin daily to prevent cardiovascular disease based on a decades-old recommendation, and many are doing it without their doctor’s supervision. Health experts have recently revised this advisory due to a dangerous side effect that outweighs its benefits…

Carolyn Gretton

Beware of this lesser-known cause of cancer deaths

There are a lot of secondary conditions that can come with cancer. And the most dangerous is a result of surgeries, chemotherapy and dead cancer cells. It’s important to be aware of the increased risk of blood clots and know the signs. Even better, avoid it in the first place…

Carolyn Gretton

The hazard that increases stroke risk in just five days

Air pollution is practically impossible to escape. Everything around us, both indoors and out, is constantly generating gases and particles that end up in the air and our bodies. But there’s an urgent reason to counter your exposure now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 factors that dramatically increase women’s blood clot risk

There are blood clot risks that both men and women face that can change everything in an instant. But every woman should be aware of the intersection of three factors that, for them, can ramp that danger anywhere from double to eight times the risk.

Carolyn Gretton

How fitness influences Afib and stroke risk

The most dangerous outcome of atrial fibrillation is stroke. People with this heart rhythm disorder have five times the stroke risk of their peers. How can you avoid being one of the 40 million worldwide with Afib? Research says a low level of fitness should do the trick…