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Immune Health

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Carolyn Gretton

Why people with blood type A may be more susceptible to COVID-19

Scientists have found that certain blood types seem to be more susceptible to COVID-19, but so far they haven’t really been sure why. A recent study may shed more light on the connection between blood type and contracting COVID-19…

Carolyn Gretton

The not-so-sweet way fructose damages the immune system

Fructose has been a common food additive for decades, and its overconsumption is known to cause issues with the liver and insulin resistance, a precursor to obesity and diabetes. What hasn’t been as clear is how fructose impacts the immune system, and that’s a gamble with high stakes right now.

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin B6 joins the fight against COVID-19

Vaccines are now available for COVID-19, but many people are struggling to get an appointment. Research has explored the benefits of vitamins D and C and minerals like zinc and magnesium in fortifying the immune system against the virus. But one critical vitamin has been missing, until now.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two words on the problem with face shields: Vortex rings

While we eagerly await word from the experts on how much longer wearing a mask could be a daily part of our lives to avoid COVID-19 transmission, many have switched to clear face shields to mitigate the downsides of cloth masks. But are they as safe?

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Taurine: A natural ‘antibiotic’ and more

Antibiotics are lifesavers. But because we’ve relied on them too heavily, we’ve contributed to a big downside: antibiotic resistance. But scientists are finding promise in a nutrient found in many common foods that may trigger good bacteria in the body to go after disease-causing pathogens.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How bacteria can provide a barrier against pneumonia

The difference between a mild case of the flu and possible hospitalization is the development of pneumonia. Just in time, researchers have identified one more way to reduce risk for a lung infection…


Carolyn Gretton

The vitamin deficiency putting diabetics in danger from COVID-19

It’s smart to make sure you’re getting the right level of vitamins and minerals in your diet. But COVID-19 is making this more important than ever. Case in point: a study that shows a link between deficiency of a crucial vitamin and severe COVID-19, especially if you’re diabetic…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

CBD found to destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Germs that could once be knocked out within a few days of antibiotic therapy have grown resistant to what medicine has to offer. But a new and powerful option has been found in a source that’s been making the headlines for a while now, and it may lead the next generation of antibiotics.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The honey+ ancient seed combo that may speed COVID-19 recovery

My family and I were hit with what I still call “the COVID” early on in the pandemic. A lot has changed since then, for the better, but the potential for infection from SARS-CoV-2 or one of its variants is still a possibility But thanks to ground-breaking research there may be a natural way to dramatically speed recovery time…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

The symptoms COVID-19 Long Haulers can’t get rid of

As more information has become available, scientists realize Covid is a multi-system disease that can potentially affect any organ. And the impact of that can linger for weeks and months. Here’s what you should know about the long haul symptoms…

Carolyn Gretton

COVID-19 vaccines and allergies: What you need to know

As the COVID-19 vaccines become available, there are questions about its safety, especially for people with certain allergies. After all there are people who can’t take the flu vaccine. So, allergy experts are taking a close look at this issue and, along with the CDC, have information that can help you know what to expect. […]

Joyce Hollman

Health and science experts plead: Increase vitamin D during the pandemic

We’ve long known vitamin D supports a healthy immune system. Now it’s apparent it provides significant defense against SARS-Cov-2, the virus behind COVID-19. That’s why more than 120 medical experts have signed an open letter to the world’s governments, calling for an “immediate widespread increase” of the vitamin that could slow, possibly end, the pandemic.