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Dr. Michael Cutler

Lock down the triggers aiming to make you sick

When your doctor says your illness is “idiopathic,” don’t believe it! The “idiopathic” condition is one that has no known cause. Every illness has more than one cause — you just have to discover them.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Natural help for today’s all-year allergy afflictions

Spring isn’t the only allergy season anymore … Allergies are now an all-year affliction. We have toxic molds, pests, food allergies, pet allergies … even our genes can trigger reactions to allergens.

Jenny Smiechowski

Meds that shorten colds shrink your brain

One thing is for sure — whatever time of year you get a cold, it’s just plain uncomfortable. But whatever you do, don’t reach for over-the-counter medicines — unless you want to trade in your sore throat and stuffy nose for something much more serious. Instead…

Dr. Michael Cutler

How to make your body flu-proof

Why do some people get very sick from the flu while others seem to be immune to it? Considering that last year’s vaccine was only about 19 percent effective, this is a vitally important question. The answer is…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Flu shot: Don’t put your eggs all in one basket

In previous years the flu vaccine has been estimated at 50 to 60% effective. In fact, many people were disappointed that their flu shot did not protect them from getting sick with influenza.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Relieve cough and congestion with Chinese herbs

Well, it’s that time of year again. Cold, flu, bronchitis time. One of our girls was out from school four days last week with bronchitis. And last night I was up hacking and this morning knew what the topic of today’s article would be: Chinese herbals for winter symptoms.