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Immune System

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Carolyn Gretton

Can mouthwash inactivate coronavirus? Here’s the research…

We’re all wearing masks and keeping distance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. But continued research into coronaviruses is providing new ways to keep us safer. Since the virus significantly replicates in the throat and is expelled through the mouth, an unassuming product on your bathroom vanity may help lessen the spread…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lip balm could help cut down on the spread of viruses

Simply talking generates droplets that can carry the coronavirus from an infected person. That’s why we’re all wearing masks. And, according to the CDC, flu spreads much the same way. Luckily, a simple drugstore item has been found to help make it four times less likely those droplets can spread…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin D, COVID-19 and the president’s treatment cocktail

Vitamin D is sharing the spotlight with COVID-19 once again, as it was recently revealed President Trump was supplementing it, along with a special treatment cocktail. But it’s not the first time the sunshine vitamin has been connected to patient outcomes during the pandemic. It’s no wonder, considering the importance of vitamin D to our overall health…

Carolyn Gretton

Is your immune system causing your depression?

When you hear the words “immune system,” you probably think immediately of your body’s defense against seasonal maladies like cold and flu. A strong immune system is definitely an asset in protecting you from these and other invaders. But it turns out the immune system does a lot more than protect against microbes and infection.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why getting a cold could keep you from getting the flu

The common cold is far from dangerous, but it still makes you miserable by walloping you with a cough, a headache, congestion, a low-grade fever and that awful fatigued feeling you get when you’re sick. But the next time you’re laid up with a serious cold, you have a big bright side to think about… colds may be able to prevent the more dangerous flu virus from infecting your airways…

Joyce Hollman

6 vitamins and minerals for healthier aging

As we get older, some vitamins and minerals become especially important. We don’t process them as well and need to get more of them from our diet to protect ourselves from health complications that will make our golden years not so golden.


Jenny Smiechowski

What you should know about the alarmingly common heart complications from a flu infection

Researchers have known for a while that a case of the flu is hard on your heart. In fact, serious heart complications following recovery, even fatal heart attack, can occur. But until recently, they haven’t known exactly how prevalent the danger could be…

Jenny Smiechowski

Antibiotics double your risk of inflammatory bowel disease

Research shows that about 1 in 10 people deal with negative effects after taking antibiotics. This could include anything from chronic diarrhea to the sudden appearance of allergies to issues with blood sugar. But of all the potential impacts antibiotics can have on your health, there’s one that’s starting to appear more common — and more serious — than all the others…

Carolyn Gretton

Gut bacteria linked to high blood pressure and more than 2 dozen other diseases

There are trillions of bacteria, both good and not-so-good, colonizing your gut. Now, researchers have uncovered the staggering extent to which those bacteria impact your health. It turns out bacteria are directly tied to specific diseases. Time to get serious about your microbiome…

Jenny Smiechowski

How a multivitamin could help you through our most challenging cold and flu season yet

The COVID-19 pandemic combined with our usual cold and flu season is going to make this autumn one of the most challenging ones we’ve ever faced. We need all the help we can get, especially those of us on the mature side, since the immune system naturally weakens with age. Luckily, a new study shows that taking a multivitamin could offer some critical protection…

Joyce Hollman

Obesity and poor immune response

Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses. But research reveals that being obese also increases the risk of becoming severely ill from a COVID-19 infection. And unfortunately, once a vaccine is developed, obesity is one factor that could lessen its effectiveness…

Joyce Hollman

Flu and pneumonia vaccines may prevent Alzheimer’s

If you’ve wondered about the benefits of a flu vaccine, here’s something to consider… If you already get it every year, you’ll be glad to know you may be getting something else: protection from another, seemingly unrelated disease that can rob you first of your memories and then of your life.