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Immune System

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Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

Top 9 natural antibiotic foods and herbs

Antibiotic alternatives have been around for millennia before penicillin was discovered. These 9 antibiotic alternative foods and herbs haven’t lost their ability to fight bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi.

Jenny Smiechowski

Overlapping respiratory infections means your doctor could mistakenly clear you of COVID-19

One of the trickiest parts about the COVID-19 crisis is diagnosis. There are a lot of barriers — the shortage of tests, the severity and variety of symptoms, the overwhelm of the medical community and the fact that one in five people with COVID-19 has another virus that may steal the diagnosis…

Joyce Hollman

Is laughter really the best medicine?

The truth is, laughing is healthy. A good laugh offers a healthy distraction from anger, guilt, stress and other negative emotions, something we all could use right about now. But you may be shocked at what it can do for the backbone of your immune system…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Using food to boost immunity — for Coronavirus and beyond

The immune system is complex and comprised of many components. And it can be supported to function at its best — and at every level. Several vitamins and nutrients are vital for that but are typically under-consumed by most Americans. Learn more in Dr. Klodas’ video chat…

Easy Health Options Staff

Can’t find Lysol? Try these 6 essential oils in your diffuser

This past weekend, like most everyone else, I went in search of Lysol disinfectant spray and came home empty-handed. After all, when you want to ward off the spread of anything in your home, that’s been our go-to disinfectant, right? But if you can’t find it, here’s how you can use essentials oils in your home…

Margaret Cantwell

These common health conditions can make coronavirus especially dangerous

You may be tired of seeing coronavirus in our headlines… But with information changing every day, we have an obligation to help pass it on. The crisis is now a pandemic, and unlike the flu, anyone of any age is fair game. That’s why you need to know about the common conditions that can make you especially vulnerable to COVID-19…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How to avoid catching Coronavirus, flu, or colds on an airplane

Spring break is just around the corner and if you’re thinking of flying, here’s some sobering news: 1 in 5 people who travel on planes will suffer from a cold or flu after the flight. That’s because they are in an enclosed area where some germs can remain for up to seven days. You think those cruise ships had it bad? Think again…

Jenny Smiechowski

2 nutrients that boost the immune system’s ability to battle melanoma

The link between bacteria in your body (your personal microbiome) and diseases like cancer is stronger than ever. Prebiotics and these bacteria have a special relationship. So it’s not all that surprising that researchers found two prebiotics decrease the risk of melanoma…

Joyce Hollman

CBD could end opioid addiction and antibiotic resistance

How is the FDA doing at “protecting the public” from the opioid crisis? And how quickly are they making headway against the growing threat of antibiotic resistance? One could argue that they need to focus on the real problems here, and not worry about a substance that could actually be the answer to it all.

Jenny Smiechowski

Can you catch cancer, heart disease, and lung disease?

Did you know that 70 percent of deaths worldwide are caused by just three lifestyle diseases — heart disease, cancer and lung disease? But what if lifestyle wasn’t the whole story behind so-called “lifestyle” diseases? What if there was something else causing these diseases… something contagious?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 Supplements to ward off all that winter throws at you

When winter rolls around, in addition to stocking up our medicine cabinet, I stock up our vitamin cabinet with supplements that get us through the season happier and healthier — and hopefully unscathed. Here are our five ‘can’t be without’ supplements for winter…

Jenny Smiechowski

This parasitic worm may be our best hope against drug-resistant superbugs

Rroughly 700,000 people die per year from diseases that don’t respond to antibiotics worldwide. What can we do about it? Find alternatives for the antibiotics we’ve used over and over again for decades. And researchers from Northeastern University have just done exactly that…