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Immune System

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Joyce Hollman

If you have this health problem, your flu shot may not work

About two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight or obese. If you find yourself among that two-thirds, there’s something else you should know. If you get a flu shot, it will probably be less than effective. Here’s why and extra precautions you should take…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The natural ‘antibiotic’ that could fend off strep throat

Antibiotic resistance has been labeled an epidemic and according to the CDC, “More than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the U.S. each year.” Well, it’s possible that if more of us turned to this natural antibiotic powerhouse, that we could avoid a personal assault from these superbugs…

Jenny Smiechowski

Meet the superbugs living in your makeup bag

I have a bad habit. It puts my health at risk daily. But I can’t (or don’t want to) quit it. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager, after all. Despite what you may be thinking, it’s nothing too crazy. It’s not smoking, drinking, doing drugs or even eating donuts. It’s wearing makeup.

Jenny Smiechowski

Can the keto diet help you fend off the flu?

Fall and winter are seasons of serious indulgence, starting with the holidays… They’re also seasons of serious cold and flu viruses that run rampant this time of year. I hate to break it to you, but what you eat affects your immunity a lot more than you think. In fact, this diet might keep you flu-free…

Joyce Hollman

How statins can triple your risk of diabetes

Doctors prescribe statins to control cholesterol levels and protect the heart. Ironically, these very same statins could make it more likely that diabetes could develop, which weakens blood vessels, which can make you a target for heart disease. And round and round it goes…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The top 3 ways to boost your immune system for cold and flu season

This time of year, I start wondering what flu season is going to be like. So I started digging and found my answer: a report from Harvard Medical School confirmed my worst suspicion. In fact, they say that we are likely to have an “active and possibly severe flu season.” Let’s get ready to beat this…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Commonly used antibiotic linked to heart valve problems

With the season’s falling temperatures comes an increased risk for upper respiratory infections… If you find yourself coughing, sneezing or wheezing anytime soon and your doctor places an antibiotic prescription in your hands, make sure you’re not trading an infection for a heart problem…

Amanda Luft

Move over Manuka: New ‘medicinal’ honey discovered

Before the widespread use of modern-day antibiotics in the 1960s, honey was used around the world as a wound dressing. It’s antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties made it the perfect substance for treating wounds and skin infections.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you need to nurse your gut back to health following a hospital stay

Staying in the hospital isn’t fun. But did you know it leaves a mark on your health when you leave? Not an obvious one like a surgical scar. This mark is impossible to see with the naked eye because it’s deep inside a vital organ responsible for helping you recover…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is the answer to antibiotic resistance in the bottom of your teacup?

Green tea’s polyphenols reduce the risk of cancer and its other compounds protect against neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It contains caffeine that boosts your brain function. It makes your metabolism work better. And it kills bacteria and viruses. And, yet, green tea has another gift for humankind…

Jenny Smiechowski

Your best defense against pneumonia this cold and flu season

It’s that time of year again. Over 900,000 Americans get pneumonia every year, usually following a cold or flu bug. And it looks like a lot of those cases could be avoided. In fact, researchers have recently found just how important this one element is in your diet for fighting off pneumonia-causing bacteria…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How probiotics can protect you during flu season

Flu season is just around the corner and you know what that means, right? Soon everyone around you is going to be coughing, sneezing and spreading those virulent germs. Not at my house — if I can help it! We’ve already amped up immune-boosting efforts, starting with some essential immune-boosting supplements…