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Immune System

Latest Stories

Joyce Hollman

Scans revealed how to slow immune system aging

A tiny organ that’s often ignored is the key to helping keep colds and flu away and your immune system balanced to avoid autoimmune disease. But it’s also connected to immune system aging. Here’s how to keep yours youthful…

Joyce Hollman

Exercise’s immune response trigger reveals how it fights disease

Decades of research confirm that exercise promotes head to toe health. But did you ever wonder exactly what it is about exercise that helps prevent disease? Find out what really goes on inside of your cells when you exercise…

Carolyn Gretton

Immune system underactive? T cell burnout may be why

If you seem to catch whatever bug is going around, your T cells may be exhausted. This type of exhaustion isn’t something a quick nap can fix, but researchers are exploring exactly why it occurs, revealing big clues about what to do about it.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Mitochondrial damage: COVID’s impact on the heart

Looking back, researchers have been able to see the effects of a COVID-19 infection on the heart, and how it strikes at the very power source of cells that are responsible for helping the heart keep ticking. Here’s what they’ve learned…

Carolyn Gretton

How naked mole rats may help us live longer and cancer-free

Nake mole rats live nearly 10 times longer than other rodents of similar size and have shown resistance to age-related diseases including cancer, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. And their secret may help us do the same…

Joyce Hollman

Closing in on a key driver of aging and disease

Does aging have to come with a host of age-related diseases? If we work hard at keeping our health all our lives, is there an expiration date that takes it all south? No, but it does have a key driver we may soon put a hard brake on…


Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

What garlic can do for the common cold

Garlic has been used medicinally for centuries. And modern research has found it can stand up to many strains of bacteria. But what about the common cold? Let’s see how it stacks up…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Tips to treat and avoid the fungus among us

We all have yeast on our skin, and for the most part you never know it’s there. But when you do, it’s quite annoying, itchy and uncomfortable. Some can be downright dangerous. So how can you avoid a yeast or fungal infection especially during the summer months?

Joyce Hollman

The gut problem that hardens your arteries

It’s no secret that a high-fat high-cholesterol diet is bad for the heart. But understanding why it’s worse for some people is another story. Until you understand the gut is a window to the body capable of turning the thermostat up on atherosclerosis…

Joyce Hollman

Feed a cold, starve a fever (or leave it be for faster recovery)

A fever is the body’s reaction to infection. Turning the heat up improves the performance of immune cells and stresses the pathogen behind the illness. So is it any wonder that the practice of medicating fever is coming into question or that skipping it could clear infection in half the time?

Carolyn Gretton

‘Miracle’ molecule may speed diabetic foot ulcer healing

Because it’s increasingly common, it’s easy to forget just how insidious diabetes is. It can tear the body down — from your heart to your limbs. But new technology may harness a naturally occurring molecule to speed the healing of at least one common but dangerous complication…

Margaret Cantwell

Could a resveratrol supplement fight Lyme disease?

Not to sound paranoid, but my biggest concern about being outdoors isn’t snakes, it’s ticks. More than 475,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported each year in the U.S. Though early antibiotic therapy can help, a few plant extracts found to kill the bacteria may hold more promise…