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Joyce Hollman

A key vitamin for digesting fat and avoiding liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease affects about a quarter of Americans. There’s no treatment or cure, and if it progresses, things get a lot worse. The amino acid homocysteine plays a role in that progression, interfering with how the body process fat. But a simple vitamin may put it in its place…

Jenny Smiechowski

What centenarians and their children have in common

Researchers found that the offspring of centenarians and centenarians themselves have something in common helping them live longer than the rest of us. But joining their club is not out of your reach…

Joyce Hollman

This Japanese spice turns up the heat on brain power

There are many foods that are good for your brain. But a new study adds one to the list that can improve your memory within weeks. Not many people can handle its heat though… but no worries, it comes in supplement form, too.

Margaret Cantwell

10 best ways to blast inflammation from your body

Autoimmune problems that arise when your immune system attacks your own organs may afflict as many as 50 million Americans. However, making certain dietary changes may bring a measure of relief and offer protection against this widespread health issue…

Joyce Hollman

How calorie restriction changes your body to slow aging

In early 2023, a first-of-its-kind study proved calorie restriction can indeed slow the pace of aging, not just in mice, but in humans. A second look showed how: It led to genetic changes that prevented a common aging condition that normally develops in older people…

Joyce Hollman

Exercise’s immune response trigger reveals how it fights disease

Decades of research confirm that exercise promotes head to toe health. But did you ever wonder exactly what it is about exercise that helps prevent disease? Find out what really goes on inside of your cells when you exercise…


Carolyn Gretton

Get a literal grip to slow your biological age

Diminished grip strength has proven to be a surprisingly reliable indicator of health issues like cardiovascular events, declining brain function and metabolic disease. And that’s not all a weak grip can point to. Turns out grip strength may be related to how fast or slow our bodies are aging…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best holiday food to hamper holiday weight gain

They wouldn’t be holidays if we didn’t indulge, right? But rich, starchy, sugary desserts lead to weight gain and soaring blood sugar. There’s one seasonal treat that contains powerful metabolism boosters that can counteract the harm and help you enjoy the holidays guilt-free…

Carolyn Gretton

The artery assault that happens when you go to bed late

Sleep is just as important as diet and fitness to your health and well-being. Still, a few nights a week, most of us burn the candle a little past bedtime. The harm? A shocking attack on your blood vessels linked to inflammation, dysfunction and serious heart trouble…

Margaret Cantwell

Why going meatless isn’t always a good idea

What happens when you exclude all meat and animal products from your diet? For starters, that makes you a vegan. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But if it’s about health, you should know that much of the research warning us off meat is being called into question…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3,000-year-old spice battles autoimmune disease

Autoimmune disease turns your body’s once-balanced immune system into an overactive nightmare that begins attacking your own healthy cells and organs. Even with medication, many can be hard to manage. But an ancient spice may be what the doctor orders to improve your treatment plan…

Carolyn Gretton

Beware of this lesser-known cause of cancer deaths

There are a lot of secondary conditions that can come with cancer. And the most dangerous is a result of surgeries, chemotherapy and dead cancer cells. It’s important to be aware of the increased risk of blood clots and know the signs. Even better, avoid it in the first place…