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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 nutraceuticals for natural migraine relief

Most of my life I’ve been one of the 40% that suffer from migraines. Some medications have helped, but often with difficult side effects. It’s good to know there are other choices…

Carolyn Gretton

Getting effective pain relief from cannabis

Cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years, including to treat pain. Thanks to the failure of opioids, renewed interest in cannabis may result in new and improved pain relief…

Carolyn Gretton

The omega-3 fatty acid that essentially blocks pain

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids your body can’t make. Without them, you could be in a world of hurt if you don’t consume enough, not just because they’re essential for life, but because research is zeroing in on how one in particular blocks pain signals…

Joyce Hollman

Busting the myths about what causes gout

For years, people with gout have been shamed for causing their own pain. It was thought their poor diet elevated uric acid which contributes to painful crystals in joints, like the big toe. Now we know there’s more to the story.

Carolyn Gretton

9 physical signs you could have depression

Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anger and more. But depression isn’t confined to the mind. It can manifest in physical symptoms that can make it hard to understand what’s going on and interfere with getting the right kind of help…

Joyce Hollman

Is ‘dead butt syndrome’ behind your low back and knee pain?

Dead butt syndrome is no joke. It happens when your butt muscles suffer from gluteal amnesia. In other words, they forget how to function and researchers say this modern-day dilemma is a contributor to chronic pain. Here’s what you need to know…


Joyce Hollman

9 strange symptoms of heart trouble you can’t ignore

Would you know if you were having a heart attack? Conventional wisdom says that chest pain, sweating and shortness of breath are classic signs. But there are others that aren’t talked about nearly as often. Don’t mistake these symptoms…

Joyce Hollman

Low back pain? Walking it off really works

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you’ve got low back pain and you’re not walking, you’re missing out on a simple, free and proven-effective way to reduce your level of pain, enjoy more pain-free days and keep pain from interfering in your daily life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Neck inflammation: an undeniable link to headache pain

I have a special insight when it comes to headaches. Not only have I suffered them all my life, I’m also a chiropractor. And there’s one thing I can tell you without a doubt… if you want to defeat them, you’ve got to address the inflammation in your neck.

Carolyn Gretton

OTC supplement improves walking for people with PAD

Peripheral artery disease is painful and can restrict the ability to walk, due to fatigue and poor blood flow in the legs. But researchers uncovered a vitamin that could counter these symptoms and get people with PAD on the move again…

Carolyn Gretton

Easing chronic pain the drug-free way

Doctors admit relieving chronic pain leaves them baffled. Often the pills don’t even work or their sides effects can be intolerable. If that’s where you are, a surprisingly simple answer might take a little time, but has been shown to work for thousands of people…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The weird warning your feet send about your blood vessels

Feet get cold, sore and tired. It’s par for the course, right — or is it? Your feet are surprisingly responsive to what’s going on in your body. One serious signal spells danger for your heart and blood vessels. Here’s how to recognize your feet are flashing a warning light that requires attention…