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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 signs back pain is shortening your life and how to stop it

Back pain is common across all ages, genders and socioeconomic groups. But, if you’re a woman age 40 to 80, your odds of suffering are the highest of any group. But more concerning is that back pain may be shortening your life. Here are three signs to look for and steps to take if you’re in pain…

Joyce Hollman

5 reasons your hands could be hurting

Your hands are built from an intricate structure of bones, ligaments and muscles that are extremely vulnerable to injuries and other conditions that can cause pain and rob them of function. Here are some things to watch for and tips to keep them ‘hands-on’ healthy…

Jenny Smiechowski

In serious pain? Aromatherapy and reflexology could help

So many conditions cause serious, long-term pain. Fibromyalgia. Arthritis. Back injuries. Nerve damage. Migraines. Multiple sclerosis. Shingles. Cancer. Forget the opioids and try these alternatives that are heavier hitters than you might think…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Using magnets to relieve chronic pain

Have you ever seen those bracelets with magnets that are touted to help arthritis pain and wondered, “Do they really work or are they just a scam?” Well, it turns out there’s real science behind the use of magnets when it comes to overcoming chronic pain…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to use the placebo effect for IBS, back pain, migraines and more

What if you could knowingly take a sugar pill and still experience real healing power? It sounds far fetched but there’s proof it works. In fact, chronic low back pain sufferers knowingly taking a placebo pill had far less pain than people taking painkillers. We think we know why…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Simple exercises to reduce migraine frequency and pain

If you’ve never had a migraine, you’re one of the lucky ones. But, if you or a loved one suffers from these severe headaches that can come on without warning, last until you don’t know if you can take another second and even land you in the emergency room, there is hope…


Dr. Michael Cutler

Could cannabis make opioids more effective and less addictive?

Many medical conditions have qualified for treatment with cannabis: Chronic pain of any type; migraines, persistent muscle spasm, cancer, and many more illnesses. But it could keep your doctor from prescribing you other needed medications. Is this right?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 scientifically proven steps to arthritis relief

Arthritis pain, caused by wear and tear on your joints, doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging, and it doesn’t have to lead to prescriptions that can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Overcome your osteoarthritis pain and symptoms in three simple steps…

Dr. Michael Cutler

A skeptic’s guide to pain relief with acupuncture

The quickest way to discover a skeptic is to start a conversation about acupuncture. I know because I was one myself… My left shoulder had been aching for 9 months. Out of desperation, this M.D. found himself in the office of a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and, to my amazement, this is what happened…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 foods that could be behind your mystery pain

Instead of eating nutritious, home-cooked meals, I’ve been ordering out more due to my busy summer schedule. And, I can feel it! That’s because the food you eat can literally make you hurt. If you’re having some unexplained pain, here are seven foods that could be at fault…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 ways to get rid of low back pain without drugs or surgery

Most people looking for relief from back pain believe they only have two options: surgery and addictive pain medication. At least that’s all their doctor offers. Low back pain can bring you to your knees but you don’t have to crawl in for surgery or pop that pain pill. Natural pain relief can be found…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pain-busting practice proven to work

Weirdly enough, women with conditions like fibromyalgia have lower-than-average cortisol levels (a stress hormone). This contributes to pain, fatigue and stress sensitivity. But, researchers have found a way to combat that problem…