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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 exercises to beat chronic knee pain (slideshow)

If you don’t want to go through the agony of surgery or even the inconvenience of attending physical therapy sessions, there are some simple exercises you can do at home to help alleviate your chronic knee pain and get back to the life you love.

Dr. Mark Wiley

The best exercise for lower back pain

There are many causes for low back pain. Often we feel it after bending “wrong” or trying to lift something too heavy, but the root cause is likely lack of strength and tone in the lower back and supporting muscles of the hips and buttocks. So let’s strengthen and sculpt them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The Chinese herb that chases pain away

Since nerve pain varies from person to person, many sufferers are shuttled from physician to physician without ever being offered a diagnosis or, even worse, being told the pain is “all in your head.” Despite what mainstream medicine would have us believe, there are other avenues of pain relief.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 sources of sciatica relief (slideshow)

You don’t have to turn to dangerous drugs. And, you don’t have to live in pain. There are a few simple, natural things you can do to get the sciatica relief you’ve been looking for.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 2 best ways to decrease fibromyalgia pain

One day you feel fine and the next day you can’t get out of bed because of the pain. That’s life with the often debilitating pain of fibromyalgia. Have you tried to achieve relief from your fibromyalgia symptoms naturally? For many, these options prove effective…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4+ tips to overcome plantar fasciitis and other foot pain

Foot pain is arguably one of the worst types of pain. But, the good news is that whether you’re living with plantar fasciitis, stress fractures of your feet, tendonitis or any other type of foot or ankle pain, there’s a remedy that doesn’t involve drugs, needles or surgery…


Jenny Smiechowski

2 surprising ways to heal a wound faster

You can slather on the antibiotic ointment, but if your immune system’s not operating at its best, the healing process is going to be slow and painful. You need to promote wound healing from the inside out. How do you do that? Well, the U.S. Army Institute of Environmental Medicine found this works…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Stretch your spine to decrease back pain

Often times, back pain occurs from muscles that become too tight and restrict range of motion while also compressing or irritating nerves. Stretching the muscles and opening up the space between the spinal vertebrae is a great way to feel better…

Dr. Mark Wiley

4 ways to ditch the pain that kills

Chronic pain is one of the most damaging and soul destroying things you can face. As a chronic pain sufferer nearly my entire life, I know what it can do to your spirit, drive, desire, dreams and daily life. But I didn’t know it was a killer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Caffeine’s role as pain-reliever moves to the operating room

Do you have a surgery coming up? Are you dreading the pain that goes along with it and feeling anxious about how you will deal with it? While your doctor will most likely send you home with a narcotic pain medication, you might want to try an old-fashioned cup of coffee…

Margaret Cantwell

The worst drug side effect of all

Painful chronic conditions that become more common with age, such as arthritis, cancers and neurological diseases to name a few, are among the top reasons your doctor may prescribe a certain medication that just might carry the worst of side effects…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 simple ways to get sciatica relief

Do you have horrible back pain that runs down through your buttocks and upper thighs to spread pain into the backs of your legs? Have you tried everything and are still in pain? You could be suffering from sciatica.