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Dr. Mark Wiley

4 ways to kill knee pain and avoid surgery

The effects of knee pain are many and often life-changing for the worse. And natural solutions should seriously be considered. Exhaust all other means before discussing surgery in a serious way, and with so many natural solutions available, relief should not be far away.

Easy Health Options Staff

The pain remedy that steals your bone density 6 times faster

When researchers at the Henry Ford Hospital examined the medical effects of a standard treatment to relieve back pain, they were shocked at what they found: A commonly given injection drastically drains bone strength — especially among menopausal women.

Debra Atkinson

4 steps to reduce arthritis pain and increase mobility

Does knee pain bring you to your knees? Maybe the question is: does knee pain bring you to your chair. If it does, you need to fight the temptation to avoid pain by avoiding movement, because it’s only making matters worse…

Easy Health Options Staff

Tart cherries beat meds for muscle pain

Muscle soreness and pain can slow your life down. It’s not bad enough that we lose muscle as we age, but unless you do something, your muscles will get weaker with more aches, too. Try this to ease aches and inflammation…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Natural approaches for alleviating knee pain

Arthritis and joint pain affect millions of Americans annually. Pain and inflammation wreak havoc on the body and alter one’s ability to carry out their daily activities. Knee pain is among the most common types of pain for which people seek medical advice and treatment. But it doesn’t have to be.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Outwitting the pain of fibromyalgia

The root cause of fibromyalgia is still a mystery. Since it is a term applied to non-specific chronic pain at different locations on the body, it is hard to pin down. Theories of links to viruses and infections, emotional disorders associated with decreased opioid receptor activity, and physical trauma are in abundance.


Easy Health Options Staff

These people made their pain ‘fade’ away

Your mind is a powerful tool. And now there is bona fide proof that you can use it to reduce pain. You can bet the big pharmaceutical companies would love to suppress this news!

Jenny Smiechowski

Keep pain from stealing your sleep

If you suffer from chronic pain you probably also struggle to get a good night’s sleep. The two problems tend to go hand in hand. But what if there was a way to conquer both problems at once and end this uncomfortable cycle?

Easy Health Options Staff

The delicious cure for arthritis pain

Did you know arthritis is a symptom, and not a disease? The pain and discomfort come from inflammation in the joints, and the result is what medicine calls “arthritis.” The good news is you can reduce this inflammation and relieve the pain naturally. All you have to do is…

Dr. Mark Wiley

The safe way to treat low back pain

Low back pain seems to be a common thread that plagues many people. Not only is it one of the leading causes of primary care office visits in the United States, but it has also been reported that 2.63 million annual hospital emergency department visits are related to low back pain.

Jenny Smiechowski

Relief for that pain in the neck

Is your neck constantly tight, achy and irritated? If so, you may have tech neck — neck pain caused by too much time spent staring at a smartphone or computer. Try this for relief…

Dr. Mark Wiley

3 yoga spine energizers to zap back pain

Back pain is one of the leading causes of doctor’s office visits in the U.S. These poses help by lengthening your spine, releasing tension, stretching your backside and helping you feel energized.