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Prescription Drugs

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Easy Health Options Staff

You’re right — it’s all a big lie to grab your money

If you have ever wondered if that drug the doctor is offering you will really work… if want to know how far the drug companies will go to lie to you, deceive you, and grab all of your money that they can, keep reading.

Jenny Smiechowski

Is this brain-damaging medicine in your pill box?

Have you ever wondered how research scientists in a lab can be so spot on at developing a supposed lifesaving medicine — but totally miss the boat because its side effects are as harmful as the condition it was created to cure? Welcome to Big Pharma…

Jenny Smiechowski

Are your vegetables laced with prescription drugs?

Prescription drugs have been seeping into your water supply for years, and now they’re even in your vegetables. You may be wondering how the heck prescription drugs make it from your neighbor’s medicine cabinet to your steamed broccoli, so let me explain: water is scarce these days…

Easy Health Options Staff

When common medications become uncommonly dangerous

Just like prescriptions, OTCs can cause adverse drug interactions. Now a group of medicines commonly-used to treat arthritis pain — available both by prescription and over-the-counter — is proving to be especially dangerous to people that suffer from…

Sam Rolley

Is your prescription really helping?

A doctor in the United Kingdom is sounding the alarm about a health epidemic that’s “costing hundreds of thousands of lives” throughout the world. The culprit he’s identified will shock you.

Easy Health Options Staff

Doctors would have you take statins like vitamins

Despite studies that show the dangerous down-sides of statin use, the medical community is not only continuing to push their most prescribed drug on heart patients, but now they want to go after young people who ‘might’ develop heart disease — as a preventative of all things.