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Respiratory Health

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Joyce Hollman

The not-so-surprising reason these OTC decongestants will be banned

With cold and flu season approaching, you need to hear an ugly truth: Many decongestants we’ve turned to for sinus pain and pressure have been deemed ineffective and will leave drugstore shelves soon. Here’s why some work and some don’t…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What are nasal polyps, why they come back and what to do

Do you live with never-ending congestion and recurrent sinus infections? Feel like you can’t get enough air through your nose? Nasal polyps may be to blame. Your doctor can remove them, but to keep them from returning, do these 2 things…

Margaret Cantwell

The golden ticket to a fall free of allergy symptoms

If nature can throw allergens at us, it’s not surprising the answer to taming them is found in nature as well. If anyone understands the concept of balance, it’s Mother Nature. Thanks to these natural allergy relievers, you could enjoy fall without walking around in an antihistamine fog…

Jenny Smiechowski

The flu-fighting supplement that starves cancer

For years, a supplement that fights everyday respiratory infections has been overshadowed by vitamin C, even though studies show it can reduce the likelihood of getting the flu by more than 50 percent. But its power to starve cancer might help it stand out…

Margaret Cantwell

How to reduce pneumonia risk by 86%

The virus season is here. That means you need to ready your defenses against respiratory infections and the potential for pneumonia. As odd as this advice sounds, seeing your dentist may make the biggest impact…

Carolyn Gretton

The one time the benefits of exercise don’t hold up

If exercising to be healthy, how much exercise should you get and how hard should you workout? For supercharged benefits, vigorous exercise appears to have a greater impact than moderate exercise. But for immune health, the opposite may be true….


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How car seats increase your exposure to carcinogens

A car wreck is the worst we might expect when climbing into a car. But safety features have been designed that could limit injury. However, thanks to outdated federal standards, every single moment we spend in our vehicle means breathing in known carcinogens…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What happens in your mouth could damage your lungs

When living with COPD, what happens in your mouth could not only worsen your symptoms but also speed progression of the disease. Here’s why you should talk to your dentist to keep mouth problems from fueling the fires of inflammation in your lungs…

Joyce Hollman

The medicine cabinet ointment that fights respiratory viruses

Researchers have sought an easier way to reduce the number of viral respiratory infections, from the common cold to flu, that hit us year after year. They say the nose is the best place to start, and that an ointment in your medicine cabinet could do the trick…

Joyce Hollman

How smokers can live longer at any age

If you’ve been a lifelong smoker, you might question whether it’s even worth the trouble to give up the habit now. A fifteen-year-long study found how to quit so you can live nearly as long as someone who has never picked up a cigarette in their life…

Joyce Hollman

9 natural allergy remedies that won’t put you to sleep

For most allergy sufferers, spring can be absolutely miserable. If you’re tired of antihistamines that put you to sleep, give these natural allergy remedies a go, and watch out for the dehydration factor that can make your symptoms worse…

Carolyn Gretton

Omegas-3s may help slow pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a lung disease that involves lung scarring and low blood oxygen levels. Current treatments can only help its symptoms so much. But researchers have discovered a link between improved lung function and a common nutrient found in fish and flaxseeds…