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Respiratory Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How food can improve your asthma symptoms by half

Most asthma sufferers rely on daily medicine to control their symptoms, but new research is offering a better, more natural way to take control of asthma than those prescription drugs and their side effects… and the improvement is huge…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Flu-fighting advice you won’t get from your doctor

You’re working hard. Getting less sleep than you should. And the stress is piling up. Surprised you’re sick again? If you’re not careful it could be flu that strikes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the season is winding down, but the threat is not even close to being over yet…

Joyce Hollman

The dangerous way flu symptoms are disguised in older adults

Hospitalizations and deaths from flu this year have been higher than normal. But what if you don’t have symptoms… could you still have the flu? For older adults, this is a more frequent reality than most people realize, including doctors. And that’s even more scary…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The shocking thing increasing your flu risk

Flu season this year is a real doozy. So researchers set out to discover whether the flu was really only passed by exposure to droplets from an infected person’s coughs or sneezes or by touching contaminated surfaces. But what they found was not what they expected…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

And the best flu-fighting vitamin is…

Flu… we all dread it. Even if you get the flu vaccine, there’s no reason to put all your eggs in one basket, since every year scientists are battling different strains. But, what if I told you taking one simple thing each day could offer you big protection, maybe even as much as when you get stuck with that needle?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The supplement that cuts down severe asthma attacks

Are you one of the more than 300 million people worldwide who lives with the wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness in your chest and difficulty breathing that comes with asthma? Adding one simple vitamin into your daily regimen could halve your risk of a severe attack.


Virginia Tims-Lawson

If you can’t escape the flu, tame it

When breakthroughs on boosting immunity hit the web, you can bet I’m researching and putting them to use. Most recently, I learned how, even if you can’t escape the flu, there is a way to tame it. With a little preparation, you can be as ready as you can be to keep the flu’s effects at a minimum…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

5 Allergy-relieving secrets for every season

A runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and a sore throat and cough… If you suffer from a constant onslaught of allergens, you’ll be glad to know there is hope. In fact, overcoming seasonal allergies could be as simple as adding a few extra foods to your diet…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to fight the flu with fermented food

Fermented foods support your health in so many ways… They tame tummy issues, reduce your risk of diabetes, keep your mental health in check and help you maintain a healthy weight, among other things. But have you ever thought about using fermented foods to fight the flu?

Easy Health Options Staff

Read before hanging out under the mistletoe

A kiss under the mistletoe is a longstanding holiday tradition, steeped in ancient lore. Depending on the health of your kissing partner, when you indulge in a 10-second kiss, you exchange much more than good tidings…

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4 indoor air quality tips to relieve winter allergies

When breathing in chemicals and particles, your body’s natural reaction is to cough or sneeze, which is its natural defense to ridding itself of foreign particles. We always consider outdoor air quality, but we need to start looking inside our homes where we spend most of our time.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why menopausal women are getting asthma

Think you’re safe from asthma because you never had it as a child? Feeling short of breath, coughing or wheezing more? Asthma is influenced by hormones. No wonder menopausal women, going through the biggest hormonal shift of their adult life, are at an increased risk.