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Sexual Health

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Dr. Geo Espinosa

These 5 common drugs sink your testosterone

It’s not always boosting testosterone that can help you recover your youthful levels. Sometimes you can get more from less … like ditching these drugs.

Craig Cooper

The four best foods for erectile dysfunction

Your first line of defense for erectile problems should be natural solutions that also improve your health and energy. Here’s a must-read guide to the four top foods for supporting sexual health. Their possible side effects? Blood pressure improvements, weight loss, better heart health and a reduced risk of cancer.

Craig Cooper

HGH: The other magic male drug

When your HGH is topped off, it helps grow muscles and bones and aids in the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. But it has side effects and can be costly. For a completely free, totally natural HGH boost that comes with zero negative side effects…

Dr. Geo Espinosa

Eleven elite health benefits of sex for men

In case you need more reasons to have sex, there are some surprising health benefits of sex for men that might just motivate you to grab your partner.

Craig Cooper

Two-minute trick boosts confidence and T-levels

You’ve probably heard how body language is an essential component of how others see you. But it also has a profound effect on how you perceive yourself and — not coincidentally — on your body’s levels of the hormones associated with confidence, dominance, and stress.

Craig Cooper

Five foods to keep your husband’s sex drive strong

If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and the way to your heart is though the bedroom, then the way to satisfy both is also through his stomach. You can help your husband achieve a stronger sex drive and better sexual performance by feeding him the right foods.


Craig Cooper

Ditch this man-zapper to increase virility

Don’t get me wrong, I like a drink as much as the next guy, but I’m not 20 anymore and the 50ish-year-old me doesn’t process alcohol like it used to. There are also some serious health consequences of alcohol that specifically affect middle-aged guys that I want to avoid, and you may too…

Craig Cooper

10 ways to a healthier husband

Maybe your husband does not seem to care about his health as much as you do. If you want to enjoy his company for many years to come, you may have to take matters into your own hands. Follow these 10 ways to a healthier husband.

Craig Cooper

Does testosterone cause prostate cancer?

One of the lingering concerns and questions for men is whether increased testosterone levels, either naturally produced or in the form of prescription replacement therapy, can cause prostate cancer.

Craig Cooper

What your testosterone numbers really mean

If you get your T levels tested, you’ll probably get a slew of numbers: total, bio-available, and free. What do these numbers mean? And what can you do to increase them if they are low?

Craig Cooper

6 ways I’ve naturally increased my testosterone levels after 50

At present, our testosterone levels are under siege. Various factors appear to be pulling our T levels into the gutter. Why are these things happening? Luckily, I’m not going to be one of these statistics I’ve actually increased my testosterone naturally 36% over the last five years. Use these tips to get the boost you need in later life…

Dr. Geo Espinosa

It’s not just low T: What estrogen dominance means for men

Although many men worry about diminshing testosterone (low T), they should be just as concerned about striking a balance with estrogen. Here’s an easy guide to understanding the hormone interplay and what estrogen dominance means for them…