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Women’s Health

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Jedha Dening

The weird way bacteria can trigger menopause

Even before you reach menopause, your gut health could be responsible for compounding your symptoms and risk level for the health dangers that come with it. That’s because bacteria play an important role in your estrogen levels…

Debra Atkinson

7 steps to lose weight (even after menopause) [slideshow]

These seven ways to weight loss after menopause are not random. They each impact the next. You don’t have to go for them all at once. These seven components have helped midlife women finally lose weight and feel great. Now it’s your turn…

Jenny Smiechowski

Keep things dark to lighten your breast cancer risk

Maybe you’re used to light from street lamps streaming into your bedroom window every night… Or bright lights beaming down on you from car dealerships, grocery stores and big box retailers’ parking lots as you go for an evening drive. But there’s a dark side to living somewhere with a lot of artificial outdoor light…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 foods (plus supplements) that bring your thyroid back to life

More than 60 percent of adults with suboptimal thyroid function don’t have symptoms, at least not ones that they recognize, and testing is leaving them in the dark. So, what are the symptoms of low thyroid levels? In addition to unexplained weight gain, you can experience dry skin, thinning hair, anxiety, depression and even brain fog. If that sounds like you, it’s time to bring your thyroid back to life.

Jenny Smiechowski

3 ways to conquer cancer-causing cadmium

If you’re a woman, there’s a certain carcinogen you need to be extra careful about… the heavy metal cadmium. Cadmium mimics estrogen. And, it’s been tied to hormone-related cancers. Breast cancer is one of them. And now, it seems, it may fuel endometrial cancer too…

Jedha Dening

3 ways to avoid menopause’s disease dangers

Not only is menopause’s impact on your quality of life annoying, you’re also faced with a whole new level of serious health problems — increased risk of osteoporosis, increased risk of heart disease and a greater chance of breast cancer. What can you do to ensure a better, healthier life?


Virginia Tims-Lawson

The plant secret to balancing your estrogen levels

Have you put on a few extra pounds lately? Are you plagued with headaches, mood swings, bloating and even a decreased sex drive? If any of this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from the symptoms caused by high estrogen, even if you’re in menopause.

Debra Atkinson

7 ways to weight loss, even after menopause

Without realizing it, most female baby boomers are following a fat belly formula instead of the flat belly formula they want. The old advice can and does actually backfire. But these seven components have helped my midlife clients finally lose weight and feel great…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The sleep-breast cancer connection

In your lifetime, you have a one in eight chance of developing invasive breast cancer. So, it’s vital that you look beyond drug therapy and doctor’s visits alone to increase your chances of recovery and avoiding cancer. And, one of the secrets to living longer following breast cancer may just surprise you.

Jedha Dening

7 herbal remedies for menopause relief

One thing us women have to deal with throughout our lives are hormones. From period pains and mood swings, to sore swollen breasts, bloating and lower back aches in the middle years. When the big dreaded menopause hits, it can be an even rockier ride. But it doesn’t have to be…

Jenny Smiechowski

Thin ‘healthy’ women face breast cancer double threat

You’ve been told time and time again that if you want to avoid breast cancer, you should maintain a healthy body weight. And it seems like logical advice. But what if the connection between excess pounds and breast cancer isn’t that clear-cut, after all? Well, that may be the case…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 reasons you pee more at night and how to stop

There are a number of things that can cause you to have to “go” more at night and it’s not just about how much you have to drink. So why is your bladder waking you up and what can you do about it?