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Eye Health

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Carolyn Gretton

The statin that raises your risk of diabetes and cataracts

Doctors often prescribe statins to help lower cholesterol. However, they come with a laundry list of worrying side effects, including a higher risk of dementia, kidney damage and muscle pain. Now we’re finding some statins can increase the risk for diabetes and cataracts…

Jenny Smiechowski

This cholesterol-lowering vitamin could cause eye damage

If you have high cholesterol, you may be on the hunt for natural alternatives to statins. Why? Because statins have serious side effects, like muscle damage, liver damage, memory loss and an increased risk of diabetes, to name a few. This one works so well your doctor may recommend it. Just be careful…

Carolyn Gretton

Astaxanthin: The antioxidant that challenges aging

“In the pink” is funny little phrase that’s come to describe someone in the peak of health, maybe because we associate pink cheeks or a glowing complexion with health and vitality. Whether that’s true or not, science shows what’s true about a certain pink nutrient. Discover this amazing antioxidant…

Jenny Smiechowski

What dark chocolate does to your eyesight in just 2 hours

Carrots are full of antioxidants that support healthy vision. So are citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables and plenty of other plant-based foods. But what if you’re in the mood for something a bit more decadent, delicious and fast-acting? Well, this should be a pleasant surprise…

Carolyn Gretton

3+ ways pumpkin can boost your wellness

Fall is the time of year that pumpkin spice abounds. But if you can get past the pumpkin spice latte with whipped cream topping, the pies and pastries, pumpkin can be a remarkably healthy and versatile vegetable. Here are three reasons you should be adding pumpkin to your menu…

Joyce Hollman

Why glaucoma may be the sneakiest sight stealer

You probably get a yearly checkup. But when was the last time you had your eyes examined? As we age, several conditions can degrade our eyesight. Glaucoma is one of them. And new research has found you could be suffering that damage right now — without any obvious telltale signs.


Carolyn Gretton

The mind-eye connection to dementia

You may think poor vision simply raises your odds of bumping into things. Unfortunately, there may be more to it than that. A growing body of research indicates a strong link between vision problems and the development of a condition we all dread…

Joyce Hollman

The light aging your skin that sunscreen can’t block

Electronic screens expose your eyes to the damaging effects of blue light. But what many don’t know is, the sun is a significant source of blue light and, just like UV rays, blue light prematurely ages your skin. But unlike UV rays, sunscreen can’t protect you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ‘youth protein’ that age-proofs your vision

As age goes up, the more likely we are to experience vision loss due to age-related changes in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye. But what if it was possible to age-proof our eyes with the help of a protein that keeps them young in the same way collagen helps age-proof our joints?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The free solution to ‘dry eye’ you can do at home

When you blink, your eyes are awash with a substance known as “tear film.” It keeps your eyes moist and feeling great. But when it’s compromised, you suffer from dry, irritated eyes. You’ve probably tried the prescription and even the over-the-counter drops to find relief. Save your money, and try this…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The weird connection between macular degeneration and calcified plaque

Calcified plaque deposits are a real problem when it comes to heart and brain health. But this harbinger of circulation problems doesn’t stop there. New researchs show how it steals your vision and the plan to beat it…

Joyce Hollman

Red light could turn back the clock on your eyesight

What if you could hold a simple device to your eyes each morning, look into it for several minutes and improve your vision? This isn’t science fiction, but the next possible step in turning back the clock, so at 70 years old you might see as well as you did at 40…