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Bladder Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How urinary tract infections can lead to bladder cancer

Pain, burning, urgency — each of these symptoms will sound familiar if you’ve ever suffered from a urinary tract infection. And the likelihood is, you have. And while the pain and symptoms of the infection themselves are bad enough, according to a new study, having a urinary tract infection could be a signal of far worse to come…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can probiotics put a plug in urinary incontinence?

When it comes to staying healthy, it seems like all roads lead back to your microbiome. Everything from anxiety to Parkinson’s to diabetes to depression to multiple sclerosis to cancer has been linked to the microbes you have (or don’t have) in your body. And now there’s another common condition in which your microbiome may make a huge difference… urinary incontinence.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The best therapy for incontinence following prostate surgery

The truth is that after a prostatectomy, not only do many men deal with erectile dysfunction, almost every patient has incontinence immediately post-surgery. Most doctors recommend physical therapy. But therein lies the problem…. for some men that makes matters worse, so here’s what your therapist needs to know…

Joyce Hollman

When your bladder works overtime

Despite what many people think, an overactive bladder is not a natural or inevitable part of aging. It is a diagnosable condition that, while more likely with age, can occur at any age. If an overactive bladder is affecting your quality of life, check out your options — from botox to bladder training and more…

Joyce Hollman

5 great things about pumpkin seeds

Pumpkins signal fall and one of our favorite, fun holidays. But pumpkins are so much more than a traditional Halloween decoration. When you start carving yours, save those seeds for a snack with major benefits…

Jenny Smiechowski

The strange sign women get their health is headed for trouble

Women have a serious disadvantage when it comes to aging. They’re much more likely to develop physical limitations and disability with age than men. And scientists have no clue why. Stay vigilant and watch out for this one warning sign that your physical abilities are on the downslide…


Jenny Smiechowski

The simple solution that slashes frequent bladder infections almost by half

Bladder infections travel in packs. Once you get one, there’s a good chance another one’s not far behind. In fact, over a quarter of women get a second bladder infection within six months. But there is something you can do to slash that risk almost in half…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 serious risks from prescription bladder control medication

Bladder problems? No big deal, right. Just get a script from the doctor. Before you take another pill, there are four major health risks that come with taking that prescription bladder control medication that you need to know about…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 yoga poses for better bladder control (slideshow)

Research shows that about 50 percent of adult women deal with urinary incontinence. That means, when you head out to dinner with your girlfriends, half of the women at the table are worried about their bladder control too.

Joyce Hollman

18 tips for a stronger, infection- and cancer-free bladder

When was the last time you thought about your bladder? As organs go, we pretty much take the bladder for granted. Unless something goes wrong or you have an overactive bladder, chances are, you rarely think about it at all. Here’s why you should…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

UTI relief from a surprising source

20 percent of women who experience a UTI will have a recurrence, and then 30 percent of those women will have a second recurrence. That means once you get an infection, you could suffer with it again and again. But a new solution could stop that cycle…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to laugh, cough, sneeze and run without bladder leaks

I used to dread coughing or sneezing because it made my bladder leak. That’s when I decided I had to do something. But, what? The medications rob your brain of acetylcholine, needed by neurons to communicate. No worries, you don’t have to choose between a happy bladder and functioning brain…