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Eye Health

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

Discovery puts end of age-related macular degeneration in sight

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss for people over the age of 60. While, the medical community has known for some time that wet AMD is caused by the development of leaky blood vessels in the eye, the initial cause behind dry AMD has remained a mystery, till now.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Baby boomers: Shingles is putting your vision in danger

Most of us have heard of the shingles virus, especially if you’re past middle age when your risk of being diagnosed goes up. Basically, if you’ve ever had chickenpox, you’re at risk for shingles. And, there’s something else you should know… It’s putting more and more baby boomers at serious risk for blindness…

Jenny Smiechowski

Treating this common eye condition might cure your migraines

Now, the exact cause of migraines is still a mystery. But all these eye-related symptoms make you wonder… Is the answer to migraines in the eye? It could be. In fact, a new study shows that migraines are closely connected to one eye condition in particular…

Joyce Hollman

Fighting macular degeneration with coconut oil

Coconut oil has been shown to have multiple benefits that help with weight, infections, prostate enlargement and cognitive impairment. So, would it be surprising to learn that coconut oil can help with a nutrient deficiency common in people with macular degeneration?

Joyce Hollman

Are your eye symptoms serious? Here’s how to tell

We all have times when our eyes are red, itchy or irritated. But how can you tell whether a color, swelling or other sensation is commonplace and nothing to worry about, or something you should get attention for immediately?

Jenny Smiechowski

The strange eye symptom that signals a serious vitamin deficiency

Unless you get a blood test, most vitamin deficiencies are tricky to detect. Many of the symptoms are vague and easily overlooked… You may feel tired. You may get sick often. Or feel depressed. Luckily this one will get your attention…


Joyce Hollman

Why your cell phone could give you diabetes, cancer and make you fat

Did you know that there are special cells in your eyes that have nothing to do with sight? They’re in charge of your internal sleep-wake clock. When the work of those special eye cells are disrupted, it can wreak havoc with your health in the form of cancer, diabetes and obesity…

Joyce Hollman

The best diet to fight off macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that causes more blindness than glaucoma and cataracts combined. More than ten million Americans have it. The reason so many of us do could be the standard American diet. Because compelling research shows another much healthier diet could stop this sight-stealer in its tracks.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The contact lens infection that can steal your sight

The number of infections seen with contact lens use is increasing. In fact, there’s a threefold increase in the number of infections caused by one particularly nasty eye infection known as Acanthamoeba keratitis. Here’s how to avoid losing your sight if you wear them…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why your own immune system could be stealing your eyesight

You’ve probably heard the term autoimmune disease before. Up to this point though, glaucoma has never been included in that list despite the fact that it affects nearly 70 million people worldwide. That could be changing, as well as advice on avoiding it…

Joyce Hollman

The cancer-fighting veggie that guards against macular degeneration

A natural chemical that’s a powerful cancer-fighting agent (it inhibits the growth of cancer stem cells and can reverse gene alterations associated with cancer growth!) has now been found to help regenerate retinal cells. That means it can help save your sight…

Jenny Smiechowski

The fruit that fights macular degeneration

Nowadays, there’s a lot of buzz about exotic super fruits that pack a powerful nutritional punch and serious disease-fighting benefits. But what about those ordinary old fruits we’ve been eating all our lives? Turns out one of those can save your eyesight…