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Immune Health

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Margaret Cantwell

How to reduce pneumonia risk by 86%

The virus season is here. That means you need to ready your defenses against respiratory infections and the potential for pneumonia. As odd as this advice sounds, seeing your dentist may make the biggest impact…

Margaret Cantwell

The golden ticket to a fall free of allergy symptoms

If nature can throw allergens at us, it’s not surprising the answer to taming them is found in nature as well. If anyone understands the concept of balance, it’s Mother Nature. Thanks to these natural allergy relievers, you could enjoy fall without walking around in an antihistamine fog…

Joyce Hollman

The connection between dementia and the shingles vaccine

Discussing vaccines can put people on opposites ends of the spectrum, but if you’re somewhere in the middle and you’ve been thinking about the shingles vaccine, a growing connection to dementia may be the deciding factor for you…

Carolyn Gretton

Using saltwater to shorten colds and stop the spread

Households with children know they often bring home more than homework. That makes it hard to avoid whatever “crud” is going around. Unless you know the saline solution trick that activates an immune defense…

Carolyn Gretton

Grow an indoor garden and watch your immune system flourish

Research has shown that gardening is good for your joints, longevity and stress levels. And those benefits come from the dirt. But there’s more… getting your hands dirty is tied to the healthy functioning of your immune system thanks to beneficial microbes.

Carolyn Gretton

The one time the benefits of exercise don’t hold up

If exercising to be healthy, how much exercise should you get and how hard should you workout? For supercharged benefits, vigorous exercise appears to have a greater impact than moderate exercise. But for immune health, the opposite may be true….


Joyce Hollman

How to clean your feet to avoid infection, fungus and warts

When you shower do you wash your feet? I mean seriously and intently. Or do you hope the soap trickles down to do the job? I’m guilty, too, but not properly washing our feet can lead to problems from ugly feet to warts and infection and the threat of fungus that’s rampant in summer…

Joyce Hollman

The medicine cabinet ointment that fights respiratory viruses

Researchers have sought an easier way to reduce the number of viral respiratory infections, from the common cold to flu, that hit us year after year. They say the nose is the best place to start, and that an ointment in your medicine cabinet could do the trick…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising risk from reusable water bottles

Reusable water bottles are much more than a fad. They help us keep up with hydration efforts and that convenience promotes a healthy lifestyle. But if we’re not careful about how we use them, they can lead to sickness instead of wellness real fast…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Should you be concerned about bird flu?

We’re hearing more about bird flu lately. The virus known for infecting poultry has jumped to cows, goats and even pets. Some experts also believe human transmission may be underreported. So, many of us are rightfully asking the question, “How concerned should I be?”

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Understanding who gets long COVID and why

It’s been a few years since Covid-19 became well-known. Nowadays, it’s making the rounds with the common cold and flu and infections seem milder but frequent. And it is those frequent infections that health experts are now most worried about…

Carolyn Gretton

Why diabetics have higher risk of severe lung infections

People with diabetes are at higher risk of developing serious lung infections following a respiratory infection. Diabetes can weaken the immune system, but its specific effects on the lungs have been unclear, until now. What research has found may signal a way to dial it back…