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Immune System

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Jenny Smiechowski

Meds that shorten colds shrink your brain

One thing is for sure — whatever time of year you get a cold, it’s just plain uncomfortable. But whatever you do, don’t reach for over-the-counter medicines — unless you want to trade in your sore throat and stuffy nose for something much more serious. Instead…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Why mushrooms are the perfect ally for your immune system

The immune system is a remarkable multi-level defense mechanism that protects you from bacteria, viruses, cancer and a host of other conditions. In a very real sense, a healthy immune system is as important to your survival as a healthy heart or liver. But how do you get there? It’s a job mushrooms are perfect for…

Jenny Smiechowski

Can singing keep you disease-free?

You may not have the vocal prowess of Mariah Carey (or even Britney Spears for that matter), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sing. It turns out singing can deliver some serious health benefits that are well worth the embarrassment even if you have less than perfect pitch.

Dr. Michael Cutler

How to make your body flu-proof

Why do some people get very sick from the flu while others seem to be immune to it? Considering that last year’s vaccine was only about 19 percent effective, this is a vitally important question. The answer is…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Flu shot: Don’t put your eggs all in one basket

In previous years the flu vaccine has been estimated at 50 to 60% effective. In fact, many people were disappointed that their flu shot did not protect them from getting sick with influenza.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

This one treatment works for all infections

Swallowing is a common, and essential, function. But add a sore throat to the mix and each bite of food becomes an intensely uncomfortable experience. Sometimes the pain can be so intense we actively try to stop swallowing.


Easy Health Options Staff

Can a sandwich a day keep the doctors away?

Is this long-time staple of the food pyramid getting a bum rap? Quite possibly: recent research shows a substance found in much-maligned whole grains may be beneficial to your immune system.

Easy Health Options Staff

MRSA-killing mud pie? Yes, please

Do you remember being told not to play in the dirt when you were a kid because of the “germs?” Well, there’s some dirt in Canada that’s been found to kill some of the most resistant pathogens known to man.

Sam Rolley

The long reach of a zinc deficiency

As you age and your immune system becomes weaker, minor illnesses become difficult to brush off. You may also suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. All signs there’s a good chance your zinc levels are low. In a world of dangerous viral infections, that’s alarming. Here’s how to fight back…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Relieve cough and congestion with Chinese herbs

Well, it’s that time of year again. Cold, flu, bronchitis time. One of our girls was out from school four days last week with bronchitis. And last night I was up hacking and this morning knew what the topic of today’s article would be: Chinese herbals for winter symptoms.

Easy Health Options Staff

Common surgery getting too common

Here we go again. If they can’t fix it, they want to cut it out. Talk about overly-aggressive care. A new study says that adults suffering from frequent…

Carl Lowe

Fruit juice that is brain juice

Inflammation in the body can be brain enemy No. 1 and lead to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. But there’s a superfruit juice that can pull your brain cells out of the fire.