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Dr. Isaac Eliaz

2 things eating at your health

You are what you eat. You probably hear that all the time, but are you taking it to heart? Most of us don’t. Our most popular meals are highly inflammatory. And if you factor in alcohol, caffeine, stress and exhaustion, you get a perfect storm for chronic inflammation and the many degenerative conditions it can fuel.

Jedha Dening

The secret symptom that signals diabetes

When you think of type 2 diabetes, insulin and blood sugar come to mind. But before type 2 diabetes develops, there’s an increased production of inflammatory molecules throughout the whole body. And by the time you’re diagnosed…

Jedha Dening

What strawberries do to your body

In this modern world, it’s easy to look to man-made pharmaceuticals to treat all your ailments. But why do that when there are medicinal miracles hiding in plain sight? Take the humble strawberry as an example.

Jedha Dening

Strengthen your disease defense with alpha lipoic acid

When you work out, it may feel like you’re putting more stress on your body than it’s worth. But after a few weeks of sticking with the program, your body feels stronger and healthier. There’s a powerful antioxidant that works in the same way, gently stressing your body to strengthen your disease defenses…

Jenny Smiechowski

Turn your biological clock back 9 years in 30 minutes

Do you ever wish you could turn the clock back a decade to a time where you felt a little younger, a little healthier and a little more energetic? Well, in a sense, you can…

Margaret Cantwell

Keep anger from ‘eating you up’ with disease

There’s a lot of anger in the world these days. Anger is quite a powerful emotion and has been shown to manifest in powerful diseases. You may feel powerless about what’s behind the anger, but regardless of the cause, if you let it, it can rob you of your good health… or even kill you.


Jedha Dening

Is ‘inflamm-aging’ eating away your joints and youth?

Physicians have often suggested osteoarthritis was simply a “wear-n-tear” issue. Now we understand it’s a disease of low-grade inflammation, a term that scientists call “inflammaging,” leading to a whole range of complex reactions at the cellular and molecular level characteristic of premature aging.

Jedha Dening

Anthocyanins keep heart disease, diabetes and obesity away

One thing we know about health conditions from diabetes to heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, is they’re associated with chronic low-grade inflammation. Anthocyanins, have a distinct ability to switch off that inflammation at the core…

Jedha Dening

4 pain-relieving herbs to have at every meal

For decades, mainstream medicine has had little to offer pain sufferers other than dangerous and addictive drugs. But there may be light at the end of this tunnel…

Jedha Dening

8 anti-inflammatory foods to beat disease

In recent years, it’s been discovered that inflammation is much more than an ache, pain or arthritic condition. We all face the likelihood of an increased inflammatory response. It’s now recognized that every single disease begins with chronic inflammation in our cells.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The fatty secret to pain-free joints

Are painful, swollen knees or tight, stiff shoulders keeping you from enjoying the things you love to do? If you want pain-free joints but don’t want to risk your life, there is a safe, natural answer discovered by a scientist at the National Institute of Health…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best diet for better bone density

Age-related bone loss. It happens to everyone to some degree or another. But how badly it happens to you can mean the difference between living a stress-free, active life and living in constant fear of falls and bone fractures that can steal your independence.