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Joyce Hollman

Olives’ other health boosting secret you haven’t heard

Olives and olive oil are at the heart of the Mediterranean lifestyle — considered one of the healthiest diets in the world. But the health promoting benefits don’t stop with the oil that comes from this tasty fruit of the olive tree…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How dental advice could fix your prostate

Men think of prostate problems as something they just have to live with. But, nothing could be further from the truth. Not only can you find relief from your prostate pain, it might be even easier than you think. And, it all starts with a toothbrush…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 foods that clean out gut inflammation and disease

Your body’s cleaning process, called autophagy, occurs when your cells breakdown toxins and damaged cell material. But when this isn’t happening efficiently enough your tissues become inflamed, which puts you at risk for diseases… especially in the gut. Kick it into gear this way…

Jenny Smiechowski

Get cannabis-like benefits without the hassle

As medical marijuana gains momentum, cannabis compounds are helping curb pain and inflammation, and may help fight brain aging, diabetes and arthritis. The only problem is, not everyone has access to it. And others already know that cannabis isn’t their cup of tea. Luckily, there’s another option…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best diet for preserving your brain

Brain inflammation is a serious problem that contributes to pretty much every neurological disorder… Epilepsy, dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, depression, suicide — all tied to an inflamed brain. The question is, how do you prevent it?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

2 things eating at your health

You are what you eat. You probably hear that all the time, but are you taking it to heart? Most of us don’t. Our most popular meals are highly inflammatory. And if you factor in alcohol, caffeine, stress and exhaustion, you get a perfect storm for chronic inflammation and the many degenerative conditions it can fuel.


Jedha Dening

The secret symptom that signals diabetes

When you think of type 2 diabetes, insulin and blood sugar come to mind. But before type 2 diabetes develops, there’s an increased production of inflammatory molecules throughout the whole body. And by the time you’re diagnosed…

Jedha Dening

What strawberries do to your body

In this modern world, it’s easy to look to man-made pharmaceuticals to treat all your ailments. But why do that when there are medicinal miracles hiding in plain sight? Take the humble strawberry as an example.

Jedha Dening

Strengthen your disease defense with alpha lipoic acid

When you work out, it may feel like you’re putting more stress on your body than it’s worth. But after a few weeks of sticking with the program, your body feels stronger and healthier. There’s a powerful antioxidant that works in the same way, gently stressing your body to strengthen your disease defenses…

Jenny Smiechowski

Turn your biological clock back 9 years in 30 minutes

Do you ever wish you could turn the clock back a decade to a time where you felt a little younger, a little healthier and a little more energetic? Well, in a sense, you can…

Margaret Cantwell

Keep anger from ‘eating you up’ with disease

There’s a lot of anger in the world these days. Anger is quite a powerful emotion and has been shown to manifest in powerful diseases. You may feel powerless about what’s behind the anger, but regardless of the cause, if you let it, it can rob you of your good health… or even kill you.

Jedha Dening

Is ‘inflamm-aging’ eating away your joints and youth?

Physicians have often suggested osteoarthritis was simply a “wear-n-tear” issue. Now we understand it’s a disease of low-grade inflammation, a term that scientists call “inflammaging,” leading to a whole range of complex reactions at the cellular and molecular level characteristic of premature aging.