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Jenny Smiechowski

Coffee crushes chronic inflammation and disease

Protecting your body from serious diseases, like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and autoimmune disorders, feels like an overwhelming task. Grab a cup of coffee and let’s talk about making it easy…

Jenny Smiechowski

Destroy disease-causing inflammation in minutes

No matter how busy you are, you can spare 20 minutes per day in the name of good health. And luckily, that’s all it takes to conquer your health’s greatest enemy… chronic inflammation.

Margaret Cantwell

Why women, especially, need this anti-disease diet

Lupus, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and depression. What do these health issues have in common? A couple of things, but let’s start with women…

Jenny Smiechowski

They were wrong: Running IS good for your knees

There’s no denying that running is great for your cardiovascular health. But what about its impact on your knees? Convention has always said it’s not so great in that department. But it turns out, they were wrong…

Craig Cooper

8 things men over 40 should be doing

Don’t let age slow you down. Use some of theses tips to charge forward and make the years ahead of you the prime of your life!

Easy Health Options Staff

The activity that boosts sleep and soothes disease-causing inflammation

Inflammation truly is the root of disease. And some common factors that most of us experience regularly — stress and difficulty sleeping — are major contributors to unruly inflammation throughout the body.


Dr. Mark Wiley

TCM’s most promising cancer and inflammation fighter

Over the past decade, a powerful bioflavonid found naturally in plants, herbs, and vegetables known as luteolin, has been gaining ground in research studies as a potential “big gun” in the treatment and prevention of diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and others.

Easy Health Options Staff

Cool the heat that fires depression

A recent review of 200 papers and clinical trials on depression found it’s not “brain chemistry” or some other unproven theory that was closely associated with depression. The authors discovered what really “fans the flames” of depression, and it “feeds on the heat.”

Dr. Mark Wiley

The cancer-fighting plant compound backed by science

While used for thousands of years in traditional medicine, a compound responsible for giving plants their brilliant colors is now making strides as a promising contender in longevity, optimal health, and cancer prevention in Western scientific medicine.

Easy Health Options Staff

Men fare much worse health wise from this food than women

If you give in to fast food cravings for those oh-so-good, but oh-so-bad for you burgers, fries and thighs you could be putting your brain at perilous risk of memory-destroying inflammation. And if you’re male, you’re most at risk. Does that mean women can jump to the front of the fried chicken buffet?

Jenny Smiechowski

Frankincense: The biblical cancer cure?

In Jesus’ time, priests used frankincense as an incense for religious ceremonies. And it’s still used as an incense in many Roman Catholic churches today. But this ancient herb has an important use that goes far beyond its fragrant smell…

Easy Health Options Staff

Tart cherries beat meds for muscle pain

Muscle soreness and pain can slow your life down. It’s not bad enough that we lose muscle as we age, but unless you do something, your muscles will get weaker with more aches, too. Try this to ease aches and inflammation…