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Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways you’re ‘cooking up’ diabetes

All these years spent worrying about what to eat to prevent diabetes — but who knew the actual cooking method had so much to do with disease risk? Fortunately, it’s not too late to make a change.

Jenny Smiechowski

Nuts are disease’s kryptonite

Nuts are the one food that drastically reduces your risk of inflammation, chronic disease and an early death. And in my book, that’s a “prescription” that’s easy to stomach. But whatever nut you pick, just make sure…

Jenny Smiechowski

Cutting calories may be cancer ‘cure-all’

Would you give up one snack a day if it meant you could live a disease-free life? Because that could be all that’s standing between you and the ticking cancer-causing time bomb in your body…

Craig Cooper

The fitness trend that might kill you

Want to run a marathon so you can cross it off your bucket list, as I did? Go for it. But before you decide to make a regular habit of it, there are some things you need to know about all that running…

Jenny Smiechowski

For a disease-proof body, take two parasites and call me in the morning

There’s a surprising way to halt the progression of a very serious autoimmune disease — and possibly even cancer. But there’s a catch. The solution is one that will likely make your stomach turn…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Liver lovers live longer

Liver disease is on the rise. And your risk is just as great as anybody else’s. Without a strong, healthy liver you lack protection that ensures your long-term health — including your ability to ward off cancer and other life-threatening diseases.


Jenny Smiechowski

5 foods to douse disease-causing inflammation

Long before you go to your doctor and receive a dreaded diagnosis, like cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, your body has already been operating in a serious state of distress caused by unchecked inflammation.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Beat inflammation and erase depression for good

Chronic low-grade inflammation is responsible for chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and autoimmune disorders (just to mention a few). And new research now shows that there is a direct link to clinical depression…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Cancer: Gaining ground on a moving target

Cancer presents a moving target, changing over time, unique from patient to patient and changing in each person as the disease evolves. It’s a complex picture, but not one without possibility of success in prevention…

Easy Health Options Staff

Zap inflammation and reverse Alzheimer’s?

We’re still discovering everything that brain cells can do … and what happens when they “go rogue.” One thing that can occur is Alzheimer’s. But if new research is any indication, there’s good news.

Easy Health Options Staff

Sweetest ingredient makes recipe for disaster

You’ve heard that sugar feeds disease and that inflammation is the root of all disease. And most likely you’ve heard that cholesterol is not the culprit behind clogged arteries. Doctors may finally realize the truth in these statements thanks to research that exposes the truth behind America’s biggest killer…

Easy Health Options Staff

How many mangos must you eat to fight cancer?

Lots of foods contain naturally-occurring disease-fighting compounds. The trick however, for most of these superfoods, is getting enough of these nutrients into your body to reap the benefits.