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Joint Health

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Jenny Smiechowski

4 types of chronic pain you can relieve naturally

Millions of Americans take prescription painkillers to manage chronic pain, but these painkillers do more harm than good. You build up a tolerance to them quickly and may even become addicted.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why, what and how to get rid of painful gout

Picture this… you’re sleeping soundly in your bed when you’re jolted awake by a burning pain in your big toe joint. It’s swollen, red and tender. You didn’t injure it. So what the heck’s going on? Well, it’s gout, an uncomfortable form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in your body. Let’s talk about relieving that pain and saving your joints from permanent damage…

Craig Cooper

Pain-relieving foods your joints will love

I’m not saying that eating certain foods will completely eliminate your joint pain. However, if you choose foods that can reduce pain and discomfort in your joints and avoid those that promote inflammation, you could go a long way toward improving your quality of life and your ability to participate in the activities you enjoy the most.

Easy Health Options Staff

The top 10 arthritis mistakes [infographic]

Making mistakes is OK when dealing with health and trying to recreate a better quality of life. But when you don’t realize you are making mistakes, serious problems occur that put success out of reach…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Simple movement keeps arteries soft and heart healthy

I love it when scientific studies prove the medical benefits of ancient mind-body methods extoled for their health-giving powers for thousands of years. Recently, a study showed that these simple movements may prevent onset of heart disease in arthritis patients.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Research says ancient pain remedy works best

Osteoarthritis is one of the painful conditions we face as we age. It is the most common form of arthritis and is marked by degeneration of the joints and surrounding tissues through years of wear and tear from too much or too strenuous physical movement.