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Dr. Michael Cutler

Seeking sciatica pain relief

Sciatica pain is unfortunately too common. If you don’t suffer it, try to make changes to avoid it now. Buttock and posterior thigh pain from sciatic nerve irritation can be persistent and debilitating. Let’s look at causes and also the best ways to treat this condition. 

Jenny Smiechowski

Can cold water end chronic pain? It did for this guy

Most chronic pain sufferers have to resort to addictive and dangerous painkillers to cope. But members of the Polar Bear Club may be on to a simple and side effect-free way to relieve chronic pain, perhaps for good, that doesn’t involve addictive painkillers…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The secret to safe, effective, non-addictive back pain relief

The U.S. is facing an addiction crisis like no other in its history. While it’s easy to sit back and say those people were simply opioid addicts, many of them started as patients in pain. That’s why more people need to know about this method shown to reduce drug dependency and pain at the same time…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Here is a method helping migraine sufferers everywhere

Migraines=misery. After an exhaustive review of more than 180 studies on migraines and diet, researchers at the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center were able to identify four of the most likely dietary triggers — and what to eat for relief.

Joyce Hollman

6 things that can go terribly wrong with your navel

When was the last time you thought about your belly button? It deserves a lot more attention that you realize… After all, your navel is there because it was once the connection to your lifeline. So when your navel sends pain signals, you should listen…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fight fibromyalgia pain with the “compassion cure”

It’s easy to feel stuck when you have a chronic pain disorder like fibromyalgia. That’s why it might be easier to start with a natural remedy that requires less physical energy when you have so little to spare… like compassion therapy…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 foods that make headaches worse

Suddenly it hits. That dull, aching pain… a tight band wrapping around your head, constricting and getting tighter and tighter. You’ve got another headache and there goes your day. But stopping the pain can be as simple as a few changes…

Beverly Burmeier

Hot or cold: What’s best for pain?

Knee pain, a stiff shoulder, elbow tendonitis, arthritis or a recent minor injury… it doesn’t matter the cause. What does is stopping the pain. Commonly, hot or cold therapy can help, but how do you know which will work for your pain?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The proven pain relief of touch

I had a major surgery just a few months ago and something weird happened. I remember waking up in pain, but when my husband took my hand, I could tolerate the pain better. Now, the power of what my husband did for me has been scientifically proven…

Jenny Smiechowski

The bad food behind your bad back

There are a lot of causes behind back problems. Stress, poor posture, injuries, obesity, arthritis… all increase the odds of your back hurting. But what about diet? Could certain foods aggravate your back too? You’ll be shocked at how…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Hear that? It’s the sound of powerful pain relief

While it’s no secret that the music you listen to can make you happy or sad, take you back to another time and evoke memories that you never want to forget, did you know that music could also be the secret to controlling your chronic pain?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 steps to natural nerve pain relief

Everyone’s nerve pain is unique but what everyone who’s ever lived with nerve pain has in common is that it can’t go away fast enough. I had the unfortunate experience to learn that the hard way this past year. You see, I tore my shoulder and had to have surgery…