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Prescription Drugs

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Jenny Smiechowski

How cold and flu medicine puts your heart in danger

Many of the cold and flu medications you take to ease your discomfort are hard on your heart. And the strain caused by the virus combined with the strain caused by these medications could be more than your heart can handle…

Easy Health Options Staff

Big pharma takes the TCM out of curing cancer to sell drugs

How many times has the pharmaceutical industry scoffed at studies showing a natural cure was just as effective or more so than high-priced, side effect-ridden drugs? Too many to count, right? Big Pharma is on board with these remedies, as long as they can profit from them. And now they’ve figured out how…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 little-known reasons acid reflux meds make you feel worse

There are five little-known reasons the acid reflux medications you’re taking could be making you feel worse – and could put your life in danger. The dangers are so great that they’re even being highlighted by the FDA.

Jenny Smiechowski

The common drug combo that causes brain and stomach bleeding

More than 30 million people take NSAID pain relievers daily. The problem is, a lot of these same people also take a popular antidepressnt. If you’re one of them, you should know about the increased risk for brain and gastrointestinal bleeding this combination can cause….

Joyce Hollman

Why carcinogens, garbage and bacteria are getting into your FDA-approved medications

8,000 medicines that have been recalled since 2013. Have you heard about them? Everything from cancer-causing chemicals to deadly bacteria and even glass and metal particles have been found in medications that may be in your medicine cabinet right now.

Joyce Hollman

How your diabetes drug sets you up for heart attack

If you or someone you love is taking metformin for type 2 diabetes, it’s only a matter of time before a second-line drug will be necessary. But recent findings show that with some of these medications you’re jumping “out of the frying pan and into the fire.”


Joyce Hollman

How Big Pharma bribes you to keep taking their drugs

Most prescriptions are way too high. That’s why drug companies offer some incentive programs to help us afford their expensive medications. But insurance companies aren’t too happy with these financial incentives, and may soon put patients in a bad spot…

Joyce Hollman

Is your doctor letting you ‘drug and drive’?

Nearly half of all older adults are using seven or more prescription medications that could impair their driving ability — making them dangerous not only to themselves, but to others. Are you one of these people? It’s not something your doctor always catches…

Jenny Smiechowski

The common antibiotics that double your risk of aortic aneurysm

Antibiotics have risks. But in many cases the benefits far outweigh those risks… Except when they’re prescribed for a virus, or as “preventative,” or especially when they put you at risk for a serious and potentially deadly aortic aneurysm…

Joyce Hollman

Don’t fall victim to Big Pharma’s promotional scare tactics

You know how drug commercials rattle off dangerous side effects so fast there’s no way to get it all? Well, drug companies have found a new way to get around the law requiring them to disclose that information. Here’s what to watch for so you don’t get tricked…

Joyce Hollman

Watch out for gasoline additives in your blood pressure meds

The string of “mistakes” made by Big Pharma in their rush to get drugs to market isn’t surprising, but it seems to be getting worse. Two more companies have recently recalled batches of common medications for poison in your prescriptions…

Joyce Hollman

What you need to know about blood thinners before knee surgery

In the U.S., each year over half a million people have knee surgery. During the time following surgery when you can’t move around, there’s a big risk of developing a deadly blood clot. Blood thinners carry side effects as scary as a blood clot itself, and aspirin has been called “risky.” What can you do?