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Thyroid Health

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Joyce Hollman

Thyroid, menopause and diabetes: The phthalate danger to women

Phthalates are colorless, odorless “everywhere” chemicals. They go by a host of names, but they’re all endocrine-disrupting chemicals. From thyroid to menopause trouble, women are hardest hit. Now, they’re why you can get diabetes from your shampoo…

Carolyn Gretton

Are banned food additives making Americans sick?

There are a few differences between Americans and Europeans. But one of the biggest differences is the food we consume. Take dangerous food additives. Here is a handful that have been banned in Europe, but are still fed to us, starting with your morning toast…

Joyce Hollman

Is your thyroid OK? Check your feet

Low thyroid function is common in women over 60, but it’s often dismissed as menopausal depression and fatigue. If you’ve not been feeling like yourself and suspect something’s off, check your feet for these telltale signs…

Miguel Leyva

Glyphosate and thyroid cancer: Too little too late

Research into the causes of thyroid cancer is ongoing, but exposure to pesticides has long been suspected. One, in particular, glyphosate, was associated with a 33 percent increase in cases. 2023 is the year this health destroyer is supposed to be phased out. Is it too little too late?

Joyce Hollman

Common chemical found to drive heart disease and early death

Chemicals are an invasive part of our lives that we have a hard time avoiding. Many of them can make our lives easier, but that luxury demands a high price. In fact, we’re paying with our lives… 100,000 a year to be exact, lost to heart disease and early death. But you may be more shocked to learn how you’re exposed to this killer chemical…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why low thyroid is so often misdiagnosed as depression or menopause

From heart trouble to sleep apnea and Parkinson’s, doctors all too often fail to see the signs or flat-out misdiagnose women’s health. And they’re still doing it when it comes to thyroid problems, telling women the symptoms are in their heads or just one more problem of menopause. Here’s why…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

It’s not your diet: Why breathing is making us fat

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing numbers on a scale tipping in the wrong direction, no matter how much calorie counting you’ve done. Is it your diet? Hormones? Or the air you breathe? It’s not high in calories, but it’s high in something else science says packs on the pounds…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

This thyroid condition could raise dementia risk 80 percent

Your thyroid regulates many functions, including metabolism. That requires a steady flow of thyroid hormones circulating in your bloodstream. Too much, too little and you have problems, like weight gain and fatigue. But it looks like your thyroid has a broader impact than we ever thought…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is exercise the secret to being skinny? Think again!

Have you ever looked at a thin person and assumed they must workout a lot? Because the secret to being thin is burning calories, right? The truth is thin people tend to be far less active than those of us with a few extra pounds. Turns out there’s something else up their sleeve…

Easy Health Options Staff

The ONE question to always ask a thyroid doctor

Need a good reason to take extra care of your thyroid? Here’s a good one: If something goes wrong — surgery is risky. But if you absolutely must have it removed, there is one very important thing you must ask your surgeon…

Carolyn Gretton

Low sex drive? It may be your thyroid

There are a lot of symptoms of low thyroid function. You may experience cold hands and feet, fatigue, headache, stiff or painful joints and depression, among other effects. But there’s another thyroid symptom affecting men and women we don’t talk about…

Carolyn Gretton

Low thyroid? Keep these 9 foods on your radar

If you’re suffering from unexplained weight gain, fatigue, thinning hair, stiff or painful joints, memory issues and increased sensitivity to cold, you may want to get your thyroid checked. Chances are, you’re suffering from low thyroid. Then take a good look at what you’re eating…