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Thyroid Health

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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 foods (plus supplements) that bring your thyroid back to life

More than 60 percent of adults with suboptimal thyroid function don’t have symptoms, at least not ones that they recognize, and testing is leaving them in the dark. So, what are the symptoms of low thyroid levels? In addition to unexplained weight gain, you can experience dry skin, thinning hair, anxiety, depression and even brain fog. If that sounds like you, it’s time to bring your thyroid back to life.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is a dusty house making you fat?

They’re called “obesogens.” They come into your home on the products you buy and wind up in your household dust for you to inhale, ingest, and absorb through your skin. According to research, just three milligrams of this dust resulted in fat production.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Why the rise in thyroid problems?

We don’t think much about the thyroid… and we really should. Especially considering that this non-descript little gland located in your neck produces hormones that regulate energy metabolism, control protein synthesis and adjust your body’s sensitivity to other hormones.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why caffeine spells trouble for your thyroid

Do you enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning? Many of us do… but the caffeine could be messing with the thyroid’s delicate hormone balance. Here’s what you need to know about when and how much you should be having…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Iodine shortage to blame for your thyroid woes?

My first acquaintance with iodine was as a rambunctious little kid who was no stranger to cuts and scrapes. Much later I learned that iodine works magic in your body, and what happens when you don’t have enough.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The nutty solution to save your thyroid

Are you completely and thoroughly exhausted? Have you been feeling depressed or anxious and having joint pain, muscle aches, and headaches? Maybe your skin feels dry or your hair just isn’t as shiny and thick as it used to be? Guess what… Your thyroid could be to blame for all of it.


Dr. Michael Cutler

The imbalance at the core of your energy problem

Low energy is the worst. It can add to your stress because let’s face it, life goes on whether you feel up to it or not, right? But the lack of energy is also depressing. If you’re battling low energy, hormone issues could be at the core of your ebbing energy stores…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Low thyroid function causes high health risks

Your thyroid hormones are important for numerous functions in the body, and several chronic health conditions can be improved — which most people have no clue are even related — by treating low thyroid hormone function.

Easy Health Options Staff

How to save yourself from the thyroid cover-up

Did you know that Pennsylvania leads the U.S. in the incidence of thyroid cancer? Mainstream cancer researchers do NOT want anyone thinking that Three Mile Island could have anything to do with this, and will vehemently deny…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Hormone imbalance has a profound effect on your weight

Unbalanced or poorly functioning hormones are an often overlooked cause of unwanted weight gain. The hormones involved include cortisol, thyroid, DHEA, aldosterone, growth hormone, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen.

Dr. Michael Cutler

Why hormones make you heavy

What happens over the years when you are constantly or repeatedly under high stress demands, be they physical, mental or emotional? You probably guessed it — hormones gone wild that cause weight gain.

Margaret Cantwell

The chemicals that trigger your body to make new fat cells

Have you started a healthier diet and maybe you’re exercising too — only to be disappointed that the inches aren’t coming off? The problem is likely “obesogens.” Obesogens hijack the regulatory systems that control your weight and make it almost impossible for you to maintain a healthy weight. But you can beat them…