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Craig Cooper

The spice that fights diabetes, prostatitis and more

Since the majority of people with prediabetes eventually develop full-blown diabetes, scientists have been interested in ways to prevent this from occurring. Now, a study reveals that individuals who take an exotic spice can avoid it, and more…

Jenny Smiechowski

The diabetes ‘drug’ on your dinner plate

If you’re trying to eat healthy, then you probably eat broccoli at least a few times per week… It’s one of the most touted cancer-fighting foods, after all. But there’s another big broccoli benefit that hasn’t gotten much press yet, even though it could help fight one of the greatest epidemics of our day…

Jedha Dening

Fats, not just sugar, promote insulin resistance

You probably know that the fats you consume on an everyday basis can influence your cholesterol levels. But one thing that may not be as clear is that those same fats can affect your risk of insulin resistance. But it seems there may be more to the story…

Margaret Cantwell

Is a ‘gateway condition’ stalking you?

It’s the quintessential gateway condition… and with each symptom comes a stronger warning that a bigger, meaner chronic disease is stalking you. But there’s still something to be done at this point…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Fruity trick fights blood sugar spikes

While a balanced diet should contain fresh fruit, people with blood sugar problems have been told it’s best to avoid fruit because the sugars would negatively affect the diabetic condition. But research points to the opposite effect…

Jenny Smiechowski

The thermostat hack that improves insulin sensitivity 43%

Some people can eat anything, barely exercise, stay thin and effortlessly balance their blood sugar. So what’s the difference between someone who can eat what they want and someone who has to count every calorie? It all comes down to metabolic health…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cell phones signal rising blood sugar

There’s a game I see people play when dining out. Everyone puts their smartphones in the middle of the table, and the first one to use their phone during dinner has to foot the bill. But there’s another very important reason for putting your smartphone away…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Do you have any of these life-threatening symptoms?

Americans keep gaining weight. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity or being overweight is a key factor associated with increased mortality rates in adults — as well as elevated risks of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Jedha Dening

Is the secret to stopping type 1 diabetes in your gut?

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the body kills insulin-producing beta cells. One thing has always been made abundantly clear: diet and lifestyle have no influence whatsoever on stopping it, unlike type 2 diabetes. That is, until now…

Jenny Smiechowski

Diabetes ‘kryptonite’ reduces threat 35%

A healthy diet can prevent or even reverse diabetes. But besides the usual advice to avoid sweets and refined carbohydrates, you may be wondering if there are any potent, diabetes-fighting foods with a powerful impact…

Jedha Dening

Cholesterol drug boosts your diabetes risk 50%

It’s come to light that over the years clinical trials have contained strong bias and failed to report accurate effect rates and adverse events. In fact, scientific reviews have revealed that statins do not lead to a lower rate of heart attack or mortality. In fact, they may lead to disease…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

The dangerous trifecta: Diabetes, sleep loss and toxins

While what we eat, and how much, certainly affects our weight and susceptibility to diabetes and metabolic syndrome, this oversimplified equation ignores the body’s ability to process these calories, especially when a growing body of evidence points to the effect of toxins on our intricate metabolic mechanisms.