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Immune Health

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Carolyn Gretton

Relieving the symptoms of shingles naturally

Shingles can strike anyone who’s had chickenpox, although older adults tend to be more susceptible. This painful, burning, itching rash takes time to heal. But you can relieve its symptoms through a number of natural means while waiting for it to disappear…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

CBD increases lung-protective peptide in Acute respiratory distress syndrome

ARDS is a dangerous respiratory condition in which the lungs’ ability to provide the body’s organs with oxygen is diminished. In the most severe cases of COVID-19, patients can progress to ARDS. While debate continues over which drugs may help patients the most, new hope is coming from an unlikely source…

Carolyn Gretton

The heartburn medication linked to a four-fold increase for COVID-19

Heartburn is common… and so are the medicines used to treat it. Proton pump inhibitors are especially popular, but there could be a surprising side effect associated with regular use that could land you in serious danger…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Missing link between gum health and heart disease found

Brushing and flossing your teeth is about far more than just avoiding cavities. In fact, the health of your mouth is tied to serious conditions from diabetes to heart disease. But until now, the reason wasn’t clear. Now researchers know it’s tied to a particularly powerful immune cell that, when hyperactivated, can circulate through your body to do major damage…

Carolyn Gretton

Can mouthwash inactivate coronavirus? Here’s the research…

We’re all wearing masks and keeping distance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. But continued research into coronaviruses is providing new ways to keep us safer. Since the virus significantly replicates in the throat and is expelled through the mouth, an unassuming product on your bathroom vanity may help lessen the spread…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lip balm could help cut down on the spread of viruses

Simply talking generates droplets that can carry the coronavirus from an infected person. That’s why we’re all wearing masks. And, according to the CDC, flu spreads much the same way. Luckily, a simple drugstore item has been found to help make it four times less likely those droplets can spread…


Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

Vitamin D, COVID-19 and the president’s treatment cocktail

Vitamin D is sharing the spotlight with COVID-19 once again, as it was recently revealed President Trump was supplementing it, along with a special treatment cocktail. But it’s not the first time the sunshine vitamin has been connected to patient outcomes during the pandemic. It’s no wonder, considering the importance of vitamin D to our overall health…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This listeria danger (and possible cure) from fish

Everyone knows that eating fish is good for you. There’s the brain- and heart-healthy omega-3s, good fats and protein, not to mention the vitamins and nutrients many of us don’t get enough of, like iodine and vitamin D. But before you put fish on the table, there’s a growing risk you need to consider — and help from a surprising source…

Carolyn Gretton

Is your immune system causing your depression?

When you hear the words “immune system,” you probably think immediately of your body’s defense against seasonal maladies like cold and flu. A strong immune system is definitely an asset in protecting you from these and other invaders. But it turns out the immune system does a lot more than protect against microbes and infection.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Taking a Z-pack with these medications could lead to heart attack

When you’re feeling sick and just want to find relief, you trust that the prescription your doctor sends you home with is not only going to help you feel better but that it’s also safe. But a word of caution… there is a common antibiotic you need to think twice about if you take other medications regularly, even if your doctor says you need it, or you could end up with a heart attack.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why getting a cold could keep you from getting the flu

The common cold is far from dangerous, but it still makes you miserable by walloping you with a cough, a headache, congestion, a low-grade fever and that awful fatigued feeling you get when you’re sick. But the next time you’re laid up with a serious cold, you have a big bright side to think about… colds may be able to prevent the more dangerous flu virus from infecting your airways…

Joyce Hollman

The juice that keeps stomach cancer from sneaking up on you

People with stomach cancer (gastric cancer) often don’t show symptoms until the disease has reached advanced stages. The common bacterium H. pylori causes stomach cancer, but even if you carry this germ in your digestive tract, your diet can help keep you from falling victim, especially if you’re a fan of cranberry juice…