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Immune System

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Dr. Michael Cutler

Are antibiotics necessary to get over bronchitis?

Even if you’re diligent about taking immune-boosting vitamins and supplements, eating right and getting rest, the occasional bug gets you. This time of year, I see a lot of patients with bronchitis, and most expect antibiotics. I tell them…

Jenny Smiechowski

Echinacea: Potent remedy or costly risk?

A lot of people swear by the herb echinacea to kick a cold or flu to the curb. But the research on its effectiveness has been conflicting. Which may leave you wondering… is that $12 bottle of echinacea pills really worth it? You may be surprised…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Foods, facts and herbs to fight the flu

You may think a flu shot will get you through the season unscathed. Don’t bet on it. While there’s no way to completely protect yourself from the viruses that cause colds and flu, you can take all-natural measures to strengthen your immune system…

Easy Health Options Staff

Prone to Pneumonia? Could be a dental problem

Researchers are increasingly discovering new ways that the health of your mouth affects the health of the rest of your body. And they’ve found that one poor habit you should avoid can double your risk of pneumonia.

Dr. Brad Cutler

18+ ways your spice rack is a medicine cabinet

Besides creating flavor, spices have been researched for their powerful curative effects. Many common herbs and spices have been shown to help protect against the most devastating chronic conditions including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Easy Health Options Staff

Try the magic elixir that keeps colds and flu away

Even if you don’t eat an apple a day to keep the healthcare practitioner away, researchers have something else that can boost your health: a daily, desirable beverage that helps your immune system beat off the colds, flu and other illnesses that go from house to house each year.


Jenny Smiechowski

Should you really feed a cold and starve a fever?

You’ve probably heard the old saying “Feed a cold, starve a fever.” But is there any truth to it? A recent study suggests it’s probably not as accurate as your mom led you to believe. In fact, there may be a new adage to guide you next time you’re feeling under the weather…

Easy Health Options Staff

A fix for MRSA–finally?

Antibiotic resistance is rendering many of our over-used antibiotics useless against superbugs. Perhaps out of desperation scientists are looking beyond lab-created pharmaceuticals to botanicals. An Italian folk remedy appears to hold promise…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

What really works for colds? Cold, hard science

Let’s face it; no one has time for a cold. In addition to making you feel miserable, colds destroy your schedule. Work, family, errands—they all have to wait while you get better. Or even worse, you have to carry on despite your achy muscles, headache, sore throat and more.

Easy Health Options Staff

Let your immune system fight fat for you

“The immune system.” Is there a more boring phrase in health? But when the immune system fights something, that’s when things get interesting. How about fighting excess fat? That would be pretty exciting, wouldn’t it?

Jenny Smiechowski

4 immune-boosters that make you germ-proof

Cold and flu season has officially arrived. You’ve probably already started preventative measures, but when it comes to helping your immune system in its most taxing months, it’s good to think outside of the box…

Easy Health Options Staff

Inflammation danger is a double whammy if you have this skin condition

To eliminate chronic inflammation, we must reduce the underlying factors contributing to it, and support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms. The best way to do that is through food and supplements.