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Carolyn Gretton

The dirty truth about toxic soil and your heart

Even if you do everything right for your heart in terms of diet and exercise, there’s a vulnerability almost impossible to avoid. The air we breathe and the soil we grow our food in have been found to contain contaminants directly linked to heart problems on a major scale. Give up? There’s always an answer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Eczema: The early vitamin intervention that could stop it

We know eczema can be a frustrating, uncomfortable, and, for some, distressing condition to deal with. But what you might not know, however, is that the peak prevalence of the disease occurs in early childhood. Early intervention with a vitamin that helps adults with the condition might stop it.

Carolyn Gretton

The strong link between gum disease and heart failure

It’s pretty astonishing that medical professionals still treat the mouth as separate from the rest of the body. Research has already shown how strongly connected it is to other organs, particularly the heart. Now, an underlying factor in gum disease can skyrocket risk for heart failure.

Joyce Hollman

From weight loss to lower cholesterol: How to get the most from apples

Study after study has shown the health benefits of apples give credence to the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But, there are many ways to enjoy apples, and they’re not all created equal when it comes to reaping their nutritional value…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Rosemary: Old-fashioned herb for modern-day ailments

Who doesn’t love rosemary? Its aroma is both fresh and invigorating — but it’s also a culinary herb that works well in just about any dish. It’s not short on health benefits either. From memory support to metabolic conditions, its polyphenolic compounds are proving powerful allies…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Strange link: Dietary cholesterol and viral infection

Specific limits on dietary cholesterol were lifted from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans back in 2015. But that move may have been too hasty. Turns out there’s an odd connection between dietary cholesterol and your susceptibility for viral infection…


Jenny Smiechowski

The antioxidant that protects your brain’s barrier

Inflammation is a huge factor when it comes to Alzheimer’s. It’s triggered by a build-up of proteins that kill your brain cells. And it may cause the build-up in the first place. One thing’s for sure, inflammation causes the disease to progress quickly and severely.

Carolyn Gretton

What gout and heart failure have in common

Gout has been established as a risk factor in certain cardiovascular conditions, including stroke and heart attack. But what about heart failure? Exploring a potential link between these two conditions may offer heart failure patients a new lifeline…

Joyce Hollman

Gum disease and lung infections: A new connection

Did you know the immune cells that are generated to fight gum disease often turn up in heart valves and heart muscle? And that’s not the only crazy connection to your dental hygiene. Most recently, it’s been found that your lungs are another target for mouth bacteria…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The new fountain of youth: Fecal transplants

One of the most promising fields of anti-aging research is fecal transplants. Sounds gross, but amazing things happened when old mice were transplanted with poop from young mice. How far would you go to turn back the clock? Luckily, you don’t have to go quite this far, but it’s where you should start…

Joyce Hollman

If you thought melatonin was just for sleep, think again

It turns out that a hormone we naturally produce, and a supplement many of us take in order to improve sleep, is also a surprising immune system booster with benefits especially for two issues that can turn a mild COVID-19 infection to a life-threatening one. Discover all the ways melatonin can help now and always…

Carolyn Gretton

Famed heart health booster blasts fat and diabetes

Nitric oxide, a natural vasodilator your body produces with the right nutrition, supports normal blood pressure. But this clever little compound does so much more, Now researchers have discovered nitric oxide could be the next big thing to fight diabetes and obesity…