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Carolyn Gretton

Researchers: It’s time to put CBD and COVID-19 to the test on humans

CBD has emerged as a potentially potent defender against COVID-19. So far, it’s only been looked at for this use in laboratory studies. But results of a recent animal study are prompting investigators to call for human clinical trials of CBD to judge its effectiveness in preventing and treating COVID-19…

Joyce Hollman

Chronic inflammation: Your brain’s single biggest threat

Until about a decade ago, scientists believed we had a finite number of brain cells that could not be replaced, and that, over time, we continue to lose those brain cells. We now understand they can, in fact, regenerate themselves — and have identified the most significant source of their destruction…

Carolyn Gretton

The ancient spice that tackles a modern-day plague: Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to a host of problems, from obesity to autoimmune conditions to depression. So researchers are exploring ways to directly target inflammation in people at risk. It turns out a long-used ancient anti-inflammatory spice could help with these modern-day problems…

Joyce Hollman

Move over long COVID, meet ‘long flu’

You’ve heard of “long COVID,“ but what about “long flu”? The idea of long-term symptoms or lingering effects of a viral infection may seem new, but experts are saying debilitating and dangerous symptoms from flu have probably just been overlooked before. Watch for these…

Joyce Hollman

Black beans: Potent ingredient for insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is when a body’s response to the hormone insulin is impaired and glucose in the blood cannot be used for energy. The next step is usually diabetes. Beans and legumes are great for people with insulin resistance, but black beans just may take the cake…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The good deed that shows up in your blood work

There’s growing evidence that many of the worst and most chronic diseases, including coronary artery disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s may be riding the same steed: inflammation. But there’s a simple, non-medicated fix that works so well at dousing it, you can see the proof in your blood work…


Joyce Hollman

Discovery shows how omega-3s help prevent stroke

Hardening of the arteries is a dangerous factor that can increase a person’s risk for stroke. It’s associated with chronic inflammation that damages blood vessels and hinders self-repair from mechanisms called resolvins. That’s where omega-3s come into the picture…

Joyce Hollman

An urgent reason to pamper your liver: Air pollution

Fatty liver disease isn’t new. What is new is learning its impact on metabolic health is so strong it’s now called Metabolic-associated liver disease, and that with every breath you take, you’re increasing your odds of the most common indication for liver transplantation. Start here to reduce your risks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why cool temps could slow down autoimmune diseases like MS

By definition an autoimmune disorder is one in which your own immune system goes haywire, attacking the healthy tissue in your body, causing the disease. MS is one such disease. New research shows its symptoms may be improved and progress prossibly slowed with a change of temperature. Here’s why…

Carolyn Gretton

Why more men are getting thyroid cancer

It’s been known for some time that people who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of getting certain cancers, including thyroid cancer. But it’s been unclear exactly how many cases of thyroid cancer are connected with weight — until now — and the findings should be a wake up call, especially for men…

Joyce Hollman

Study finds inflammatory foods feed Alzheimer’s and dementia

Research shows inflammation is a driving force behind obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Now research is stacking up that connects it with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The good news? Foods feed that inflammation in a dose-dependent manner and a change of diet could make a big difference.

Carolyn Gretton

‘Altered metabolites’ could be causing your migraines

Researchers have identified a connection between a genetic link and altered metabolites that appears to increase susceptibility to migraine. Good news is, to correct these metabolites and hopefully cut down on the painful condition, they’re looking at diet and a particular supplement that’s already shown major promise…